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It’s only odd because the heroin was especially strong during that tine.

Naw, I mean that some albums you love ’em and keep loving ’em, hate ’em and keep hating ’em, or hate ’em and grow to like and maybe love ’em, but it’s all pretty constant.

“The Wall”, I’d go from wow to meh on a almost random basis, depending on my mood?, dunno.

Think I always liked “Animals” best. Played it to death on my Walkperson going back’n’forth to school.

“Wish You Were Here”, too, which I think was on the other side of the cassette.

Absolutely. Jason Bonham.

I never paid much attention to drums but seeing him in that 2007 performance… The guy can drum for sure!

PS: i just checked the Celebration Day three vinyls 180g edition… It sells for 465 euros!!! :confounded:

Same for me. I listened a lot to The Wall when it came out, but now it feels somewhat apart from the previous albums and i’m more likely to go back to Dark side, Wish you where here, Medle, Animals…

Two classic twentieth century albums:

Dark Side does for me.

Being ” Head Music”, maybe it was your head.

I do not recall bought them in the PX when I was over seas. I think I spent 6-700 for them.

Now the ones I dreamed about were the La Scalas. LOL