Recently I tried to order an Astrolux FT03 from Banggood. The flashlight was in stock and said “ships in 24 h”. I used PayPal and the order status changed from “Order Submitted” to “Payment Confirmed” and to “Order Processing”.
Then it was stuck in this status for a week after the “expected shipping date”. I contacted Banggood support and they told me that there was an “issue with PayPal email id” that I should fix. I asked what it means and what I should do. Support told me they cancel my order and that I should fix the issue and order again.
Well, I checked that the shipping address in PayPal is the same as I used for Banggood and that my email address used for Banggood is also present in my PayPal account. Then I tried to order the FT03 again and it looks like it is stuck in “processing” again.
Ordered something previously on Banggood without issues and used the same PayPal account for Aliexpress, Gearbest and hundreds of other shops.
Has anyone experienced similar issues with Banggood and found the reason and a solution? I would order from somewhere else, but Banggood is often the only shop for BLF group buys and in this case the only shop with the FT03. So sad, the FT03 would have arrived already without this issue.
not sure sounds weird… just try and place order again? I dont think its a must that your email used for banggood must be same with paypal, if yours is then i dont understand their problem? why reject order with valid payment makes no sense…
I’ve had an order with them stuck in processing for like 3 weeks now , ive spoke to an agent on their live chat twice , still no updates the funds left my account and the other items ordered were dispatched…
I’ve had an item stuck on processing before and no amount of contact got a response. I eventually had to go through paypal dispute to get my money back. The item never went out of stock, and they still show the item for sale. Never found out what that was about.
I ordered a Fire-flies ROT66 Gen II from them on 9/26/2019 and it’s still “processing”… I refuse to do any business with any Chinese company where I cannot use PayPal for processing. If nothing else I can go to PP and dispute an order. 3X now I’ve live chatted with BG to find out why my order is stuck in limbo and get the same pat answer…. “Someone will email you within 24-48 hrs. Which they never do. I know one thing. I will never ever order from them again. Sigh
My issue is that I don’t WANT to have to cancel it. I ordered batteries to go along with the ROT66 GENII that I’d only be able to use with the light. Plus WHY should any of us have to cancel an order because of how BG does things? I told the agent that I will NEVER ever purchase from them again. (like that rattled them)
I have an order stuck in processing since 10/13 a reylight crystal.
Not worried till I saw this.
Broke my own rule of no bangood for this light sorry I did that now.
^ just went through a similar conversation about a week ago where all they did was lie 4 times in a row. Finally resolved and refunded but I'm not ordering from BG again after that. They used to be a decent company in the past. In your particular case it's a little different as they are just out of stock and want to delay it as long as possible.