Batteries for DRY triple xml. What should we buy?

I tested some cells and posted some tailcap amp readings in the group buy thread. The numbers seemed low so I brought my 10 gauge test leads home from work today and retested.

The protected Tenergy 2600 and the unprotected Panasonics from Rev. Jim draw about 4.5 amps and the Trustfire flame 2400 protected cells draw about 3.5 amps.

All of these batteries seem to work on Turbo without fail. This is using the plastic battery carrier.

I would suggest having at least three unprotected cells around for troubleshooting purposes though. I think this is the biggest reason Hank requires the use of unprotected cells. There are so many different size and shaped protected cells out there and the variety of the quality of protected cells that it would be hard for him to guarantee all would work properly. This flashlight pushes the cells to their limits and I bet he has had returns when there was nothing wrong with the flashlight.

How the hell do you guys afford AW 3100 protected cells? aren't those like 15-20+ per cell?

I sold my children to a black market adoption agency.

Can someone recommend budget protected 18650s that are of the Sanyos unprotected equivalent in performance? Himax or TF 3000s? Pity the XTAR 18700s don't fit. Thanks.

I got a reading of 4.8a on 4.10v trustfore flame 3000's..they are tight thought..

Thanks for the quick reply pounder. You got them from MF I presume?

yep ordered 8 of them for the Dry, sunwayman v60c and my zebralight h600..manafont was quick!

Cool. Will give these a go. Thanks again.

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