This S3 is the latest light in my quest for the best NYC EDC. Turbo mode is my most common usage.
I’m wondering if my Panasonic 18650 batteries with max 10 amp continuous discharge is enough to achieve max light output of the S3 with xhp50.3.
It has 6v 4 amp driver (6x4=24 watts) The battery has to flow more than 4 amps because it’s 4 volts so by the same calculation it’s 6 amps. But there are losses in the driver and I’m concerned it may draw more than the 10 amp that the battery can pump out.
How much is really being drawn from this battery? Should I get a new battery with greater amp rating such as Molicell P28A (35 amp rating not continous)?
Also I would love to get a 10 degree TIR that fits this host and emitter. Goal is a more focused beam. The TIR lenses I got from convoy have too small an aperture for this emitter. Any ideas for alternate source of TIR lenses for the S3?
TIR for S3 is not as easy as drop in and replace stock reflector. Since it uses a shelf and retaining ring, the height of the optic is strictly limited to a very specific size. You have to prepare to grind down the front surface and polish if you can get an optic with same diameter but is taller.
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Convoy sells 3535 and 5050 TIRs, you probably have a 3535 TIR and need the 5050 TIR:
20MM TIR lens for 5050 LED (SST40,XML2,etc)
I haven’t tried it myself but I believe the S3 can use a S2+ TIR but you have to add an extra oring to make up the extra space.
As others have pointed out, there may be dimensional difficulties getting a TIR to fit.
Since you want a more focused beam, the TIR does not accomplish what you want. The TIR would not give you an actual 10-degree beam, it will be wider than the hotspot from a reflector, and possibly less intense. Compared to reflectors, TIRs have worse collection efficiency (which loses overall output) and worse transmission efficiency (which loses output but also intensity).
I’d suggest keeping the reflector if you want maximum intensity. It also gives you usable spill, which most TIRs don’t.
If you really want a more focused beam, there are 2 ways: get a more intense emitter (such as SFT40), or get a light with a bigger head.
I don’t think I could pull off grinding down the lens and polishing. I hope that’s not my only option.
Regarding the “5050” size 20mm diameter TIR lens link provided by @INeedMoreLumens does anyone know if 5050 would fit the xhp50.3? I found the data sheet for the LED but can’t figure out the size from it.
Also I’ve done a some research and it seems as if a TIR can focus the beam not just spread it out. Yes there may be losses but if the beam is more concentrated it may give me what I need in the hot spot. I don’t need any spill. And yes I will try an SFT40 eventually but I’m trying this out for now. And this S3 driver/LED combo may produce more lumens than a similar size SFT 40 and if I can focus that beam….
Also FYI I have an S6 with a W1 emitter and the beam is too focused for my needs
Anyway really just experimenting here.
BTW any thoughts on the battery question in the OP?
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All the XHP50.x are 5050(5mm × 5mm)
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I’m not sure exactly how much current the light draws, but chances are that the 10A rating of the cell is more than enough. It’s extremely unlikely that the light can draw 10 amps, due to resistances in the springs and such. Drawing 10A at 4V (40W) for an effective output of 6A 4V (24W) would imply that 40% of the power (16W) is lost as heat in the flashlight body or in the driver, which would melt the switch (being the weakest, most resistive electrical connection in the body) or driver in no time.