Battery Comparison Guide

Yes they are but thy appear to be missing a lot of data (Which I don’t understand anyway and just make up my own theories on what good numbers are haha!)

HKJ hasn’t reviewed these cells as far as i know.
The cells with missing data have the only info i could find at the moment.

It takes some studying and getting used to but here is an explanation of how HKJ tests the cells.
I’ve added a key to the charts to help understanding.

Samsung~(4.3vc) ICR 18650-28A, misprint @ 1a discharge. Should be 2629 not 1629.

Fixed, thanks. I’m sure there will be some other mistakes in there so if you could go over the rest of the charts that would be great :slight_smile: lol

Yehhh suuuuuure……… hahaha :davie:

Nice list!
Did you keep it updated?

I had forgotten all about this post, haven’t updated it in a couple of years, might add it to the to do list :innocent: