Just putting this out there as a PSA of sorts.
A month or so ago, I ordered ten Efest LI cells from Battery Junction. The four 18650 cells were in spec and I’m using them ATM. The four 14500s and two 16340s all suffered from inaccurate product descriptions relating to their size and the 16340s in particular had some very real quality control issues.
The 14500s were all more than 3mm longer than BJ’s website claimed.
That’s 2.097”, which converts to 5.3.2mm when it should be 50mm (according to what a 14500 should be in theory) or 49.11mm if we go by what BJ claims. I won’t bore you with the photos, but all four cells were within a thousandth of an inch of this one.
Now, the 16340s were a much as 4 mm longer than they should be, again, according to BJ. Worse yet, the 16340s were not even the same size relative to each other.
The top cell measures 1.434” and the bottom one measures 1.502” which converts to 36.4mm and 38.2mm. Again, technically, given that a 16340 should be 34mm and BJ says these cells are 33.98mm long, something isn’t correct.
It goes without saying that protected cells are generally longer than the unprotected variety and that there will be some small variance in the manufacturing process, but these are way off from what they claim to be or should, in fact, be. Worse yet, BJ has had a month plus to correct the product description and has not done so, thus leaving more people open to disappointment and frustration.
Moreover, while they did take them back, they charged me a 15% restocking fee. I understand the need for this generally, and it is their stated policy, so I wasn’t shocked or surprised. However, I think when I receive something that is other than what was described to me when I made the purchase, the error is their’s and not mine so the restocking fee, in all fairness, should have been waived.
I’ll say too, that as someone who has dealt with BJ multiple times a year for multiple years to the tune of plenty of money, I was disappointed that when I plead my case in this regard, I was basically blown off. We’ll see just how displeased I am the next time I need cr123a in bulk.
I’ve also posted reviews for these cells at BJ more than a week ago. Well within BJ’s rules. As of today, they are not posted, which leads me to believe BJ isn’t interested it honest reviews.
So, make of all of that what you will. I’m a little disappointed with Battery Junction and very disappointed with Efest.