yesterday i got my new tenergy 18650s. since they are flat tops they are loose in my charger and tend to pop out. the charger got knocked off my table and the batteries spilled out hitting the floor. the wrappers all cracked from one end to the other. they didn't even hit that hard. i'm pissed. the wrappers might as well be made of glass. i have some battery packs from some of the kids toys and those are shrink wrapped very similar but the wrap is somewhat elastic so they don't crack or tear. has anyone tried to use standard electrical shrink tubing or similar on 18650 batteries?
You can buy good shrink tube made for batteries, online. Try a google search. One place used to ship small quantities. Just cut a little longer than the battery and use a hair dryer.
I have used Kapton tape to patch up some batteries in the past. It works too.
Good ol' electrical tape works to just be conservative with it. Kapton is a good bit thinner so not to expand the diameter of the cell.
EDIT: as to the Tenergy 18650 cells, yes they have a brittle coating. The ones I have anyway. But any LiIon user knows... check your cells b4 useage. make sure there are no exposed areas that can case a short. Lets all be safe out there :)
regarding the tenergy batteries. i just got mine yesterday, very fast shipping, and they are taking a VERY long time to charge. i haven't dropped any yet, but i hate when the wrapping peels off without much usage, like my recent tf flames. yeah, i've electrical taped them, i suppose i could look for some shrink wrap, but doesn't anyone else get tired of always having to fix #$&% that shouldn't have to be fixed? i know sometime i get real sick of it, and its not too much to ask for wrap to stay on a battery, at least for a little while.
i got have become truly ugly, with all manner of tape patches covering torn wrap. they do work okay though. i haven't had any problems with the wrap on my black xtars or white hi-maxx yet, although they have not been used much yet either. the wrap on both seems better. i hope my tenergys fair better than above or i will have to go shrink wrap shopping, and it will really annoy me.
my sentiments to a tee! yeah, mine took a hell of a lot longer than any of my other cells as well. i have an idea. since i don't need several yards of heat shrink tubing, how about if i order some and sell want i don't need here on the site? i think since it isn't sold in small quanities is the reason most people don't buy it. but how about if people could buy it from me for what i paid per foot plus the price of a stamped envelope in the conus? i think that would be a win/win for everyone. who's with me?
if you are going to do it, i know you don't want to charge a lot, but at least price it so you get yours for free. (i have no idea how much this is by the way)
sounds like a plan. hell, i'd only be out a few bucks for the amount of shrink wrap that i'd need anyway so i really don't feel the need to charge extra especially if the most work i'd have to do is just drop a couple shrink wrapped sleeves in an envelope into the mail! i found another site where they sell it by the foot with no minimum but you have to have a ten dollar minimum order. don't know if there is additional shipping charges or not. the site is the other stuff that i was talking about is a 50 foot roll on ebay that does have free shipping but i'd never burn through 50 ft of that stuff. i'll keep you posted. have to wait till the first to order anything anyway. my bank account this month is running on fumes!!
draw cartoons on them too? or maybe smiling faces? kidding of course, that is very nice of you and i am sure quite a few might be interested, especially because it really doesn't take much, in terms of sq. footage, and not everyone will have to order more than they need this way.
no problem guys. i ordered some from ebay today. it supposedly is made specifically for batteries. it is the lime green colored stuff. i ordered a 25 foot roll. as soon as it comes in i will pm each of you for arrangements to mail in to you. shouldn't be more than the price of a stamp or two if it just gets put in an envelope. a dollar a foot will cover my costs.