I got a little carried away in Home Depot and bought a few more flashlights... you know just incase all my other ones stop working all at once or something. ;) This Bayco light finds its best qualities in its features. You can clip it to something, stand it up all kinds of ways, or just use its magnet to stick it somewhere. Pretty decent setup. The main light on mine is warm tint, and the flood is a bit blueish, which doesn't actually look so bad when you run them together - which is the only way to get a decent amount of light out of this thing. Spotlight = 65 lumens & 18 hours runtime Flood = 24 lumens & 18 hours runtime - not sure how that can be, but that's what it says both = more lumens than one or the other, but it doesn't say how many, but it does say that your runtime drops to 10 hours. Apparently they have a video you can watch all about this light if you go to their website which is www.baycoproducts.com It comes with batteries, and I paid $16 at Home Depot. Initial impressions: build quality seems ok, you do have to cycle thru both levels to get to off, can be mounted a ton of ways which is nice. I guess it's ok, I was having a weak Flashaholic moment and this little guy followed me home. I actually took this cabin camping with me last weekend, and it worked out nicely - being able to mount it anywhere was actually useful. --KartRacer31
Neat. What kind of cells does it use?
OOPS - that would be helpful info! - It uses 3xaaa.