Beam Shots/VIDEOS-High output Throwers. SBT90/CFT90 and Others

K60 XHP70.2

FT03 SST40 NW. My best light for output/money ratio.Only $30.

I think this is TN42 CFT90 NW. Did not label. Head looks too big for FT03


X65vn MINI-Tree 240 yds,

Hi , Did you change xhp70 to xhp70.2? What driver do you use? Thanks

Not sure what light you are talking about?

My NI40 SBT90.2 has a FET driver put in by EasyB. NO step down and custom modes-3%/50%/100%

-K1 SBT90.2 is stock driver with Anduril firmware. I programmed thermal setting as high as it could go-70C/158F. Step down is not an issue. I end up turning it down.

-X65vn MINI has a Driver VNX2 with many programmable modes.Default step down is irrelevant[20 minutes] because light will get too hot by then and batteries would be drained.

Thanks for the detail , n sorry for not clear question.

I means to K60 , post #21.

I bought it with 70.2. off friend who modded it.

Thank you.

NI40 from 100 yards away.

Same tree as the 240 yard shots from this and other lights.

NI40 another 240 yard shot.Not as clear and the NI40/K1 Comparison in post # 15