Beamshots: TK75, Skyray King & FF STL-V6

After seeing a few threads of beamshots, I thought I would give this a try and after messing with the settings these seem to be similar to what I was seeing with my eyes… maybe just a tad darker. I live in the city and there is alot of ambient light in my surroundings.

Camera Settings used:
Manual Mode
ISO: 200
1/2sec shutter speed

Distance to house: 132.76 meters

Control Shot:

FF STL-V6: (High)

Skyray King U2 CW: (High)

TK75: (Turbo)

In this picture, the flashlights were about 5 feet away from the wall:
TK75 STL-V6 King

Here are a few random pictures I took while I waited for the sun to come down:



Thanks for the beamshots, always love em.

I’m amazed the spill from the King reached the.building.

What can I say but thanks.

Yeah I am pretty amazed aswell. I know it is a light colored house but the red fence isnt and still lights it up fairly well.

This SRK is from cnqualitygoods just incase anyone is wondering.

Thank you! What camera did you use?

Its a 7+yr old 6mp Sony DSC-H2 digital camera.

Where did you buy the Skyray King? Is it buck driver inside?

Those are great shots, but kind of a low distance. The TK is supposed to throw to 600 meters... so not surprising that the king holds it's own at less than a quarter the distance.

It was purchased from cnqualitygoods.

Yeah I agree, there isnt enough distance to really show what the TK can do. There are no near areas around here in Los Angeles with a clear distance of 600 meters, theres either buildings or vehicles everywhere you look :frowning:

I know the feeling. Where I live, in NJ, there are really no great areas to set up either, with any kind of distance. Adding insult to injury, parks are "closed" from dusk to dawn.

Well I went out for a small hike tonight and took my flashlights and camera in case I came across a nice area to take some beam shots. I found a few decent areas however there was a good amount of fog. Check out the pictures below. I used the same camera settings as stated on my first post.

First stop was to a water tank about 764ft (233m) away according to my phone app (not sure if it calculates elevation)


TK75 Slightly different angle:


Just for giggles, I tried my Ultrafire C8:

And my second stop was 1607ft (490m)

Control Shot:



My last stop was to a top of a mountain which was about 692ft (210m)



And Finally, a beamshot of all my flashlights, SK98 clone - Ultrafire c8 - Ultrafire c8 - Convoy c8 - Coleman 6AA - STL-V6 - TK75

Further away:

Even further away: