Bench Test Results: Lishen LR2170LH (unconfirmed) - 60A 3000mAh 21700

These tests below only note my personal opinion for the ESTIMATED ratings for the batteries I tested at the time I tested them. Any battery that is not a genuine Samsung, Sony, Murata, LG, Panasonic, Molicel, or Sanyo can change at any time! This can be one of the hazards of using “rewrapped” or batteries from other manufacturers so carefully research any battery you are considering using before purchasing.

Misusing or mishandling lithium-ion batteries can pose a SERIOUS RISK of property damage, personal injury, or even death. Never use them outside of a fully protected battery pack and you use them at your own risk. Never exceed the battery’s true continuous discharge rating (CDR), never let it get colder than 0°C or hotter than 60°C, and keep the plastic wrap and top insulating ring in perfect condition. Never use a battery that is physically damaged in any way.

Testing batteries at their limits is dangerous and should never be attempted by anyone who has not thoroughly studied the dangers involved, understands the risks, has the proper equipment, and takes all appropriate safety precautions.

If the battery has only one current rating number, or if it only says “max”, then I have to assume the battery is rated at that current level for any type of discharge, including continuous.

Test Results

My thanks to @wolfgirl42 for donating four cells for testing!

Vapcell sells this as the Lishen LR2170LH in a clear wrap, not in the factory wrap. I have no reason to doubt them, and there is evidence that this is the LR2170LH, but I was unable to confirm that. This test report and the ratings graphic assumes it is though.

This is a great performing cell, but it’s not the best “power” 21700. In my testing the LR2170LH performs essentially the same as the Samsung 30T for most of the discharge (30T is better after the first 2/3) and is almost as good as the Molicel P45B for the first bit of the discharge. After that the P45B is clearly the better cell. See my discharge graphs for more information.

Someone here got slightly better results though with their Lishen’s. This might be due to batch differences or cell-to-cell performance inconsistencies, I don’t know. It was about a 3% difference.

The LR2170LH is rated at 60A “maximum discharge current, continuous discharge” (for 15°C-45°C ambient temp) in the datasheet but this is clearly a non-continuous, temperature-limited rating for things like power tools and electric vacuum cleaners. This cell would become hot enough to boil water at 60A. The datasheet lists a 70°C max cell temperature spec so that makes it about a 35A cell. I recommend staying below 35A to reduce voltage sag and help to extend cell life.

Its maximum charging current spec is listed as 30A for 25°C-45°C ambient. I recommend staying below 10A to reduce risks and help extend cell life.

The four cells I tested delivered 2899mAh, 2934mAh, 2962mAh, and 3005mAh. This is terrible consistency and doesn’t meets this cell’s minimum capacity spec of 2960mAh.

I did some slightly abusive cycling at 10A charge/35A discharge down to 3.2V, well under this cell’s maximum 30A charge/60A discharge datasheet rating, to make sure these cells are not “fragile”. After twenty cycles the cell lost 5.2% of its run time. This isn’t great but it’s not a disaster.

I don’t know who is selling it retail but Vapcell should have it and Ancoo has an online listing for it but with the wrong photo and specs.

Continuous Current Discharge Graphs

Ratings and Performance Specs Graphic

18650 Ratings and E-Scores Table:

20700/21700 Ratings and E-Scores Table:

To see how other cells have tested check out this link: Links To All 21700, 26650, 18350, 18500 Battery Tests | E-Cigarette Forum

5 Thanks

Thanks Mooch! Love your tests.

2 Thanks

P45B is pretty much the best at the moment?

Are there any retailers? I heard that Vapcell had a small quantity last year.

Hi Mooch,

Thanks for sharing! nice! :smile:

Sorry if this is nitpicking, but I know you “love” accurate description(s), :grinning:

so the graph of molicel should be 4.5Ah…there’s some put as 1Ah

1 Thank

if only the china-made mfg-ers were more “consistent” with their testings

per Mooch’s chart of 21700 recommendations . the P45B still is the top favorite

1 Thank

Nice work :slight_smile:

I’ve had mixed results with the rest of the cells I got in the batch too - when putting them in high powered lights and testing in my lumen tube, it seems like they initially outperform my P45B for a few seconds, but then drop off harder. Notably, in a Wildtrail WT90 with 3x21700 and an SBT90.2, the initial peak was actually lower; this was possibly due to the SBT90 being overdriven slightly into the brightness drop off region of the curve.

1 Thank

Thanks Mooch for the great testing!

Interesting they performed a bit worse than P45B for the first bit, I’ve seen the opposite.
Maybe you just got exceptionally lucky with the P45B you’ve tested.

Vapcell has them still, you just have to ask. I recently bought 6 more LR2170LH from there, along with a lot of other cells.

As I mention in the test report I don’t know which retailers might have it but try contacting Vapcell.

For a “power” cell, yea, the P45B is the best choice by far.

Arrgghhh….hate that software sometimes…I have to remember to set the capacity each time tests are run (and sometimes forget). Thanks!

Luckily it has no effect on the results and is just for record keeping.

Yea, your results were the ones I was referring to when I mentioned that “someone here” got better results than I did. :slightly_smiling_face:

Molicel has pretty good cell consistency, better than the China cells IMO, and the consistency of the Lishens I had was not good so I would lean towards the Lishens being the issue and not the P45B I tested being that better a performer.

Not much of a difference though so these things happen quite often in my experience.

2 Thanks

Either way, they seem to be a great value alternative to the P45B for when you don’t need a very long runtime, they were being sold at $2 per cell, a lot less than the usual $7-$8 for P45B.

2 Thanks

I agree. That’s a fantastic price!

Where can you get these for $2 each?

My initial reaction to the test results was “these suck” compared to P45B… but at 75% lower price, they might be a great value.

Send a PM to @ vapcell_Dennis here on BLF, he was very helpful with sourcing them initially (and other times I purchased)

They can sell you some cells at good prices (especially harder to find or chinese-made models) because there is no middleman retailer, but please don’t abuse it or it might not be possible in the future.

Also @Mooch would it be possible to test the EVE 21700/40P?
It seems like a budget alternative to the Samsung 40T, might be used in many of the “4000mAh 30A” rewraps, like those from Sofirn/Wurkkos, Liitokala, Vapcell.
Cell cost might be 3-4 USD each

1 Thank

Yea, I think there would be a lot of people interested in that cell.
I’m happy to take the time for testing if a pair can be sent to me.

1 Thank

@vapcell_Dennis might be able to provide the cells, not sure how much it would cost though.

Alternatively, they seem to be available directly from EVE’s alibaba store for a very affordable price, though the MOQ is huge. Just saw it lets you order individual cells.

I get so many requests, it’s hard to both pay for the cells and take the time to do the testing. I ask that those who make a request to meet me halfway…if they pay for the cells, I’ll test them. I understand for many that’s just not possible to do.

Perhaps Vapcell would be interested though.

I think this is better than buying directly from a supplier, or having a supplier send you the battery. Ideally, your identity should be “blinded” to ensure the samples your receive are not exceptional in any way.

2 Thanks

This thread mentions that the LR2170LH perform better than the P45B at higher currents. Seeing as Mooch hasn’t tested the P45B higher than 40A then it’s very possible the Lishen is better at 50-60A.

EDIT: Didn’t realise that the mentioned flashlight wasn’t some high current monster, so the most likely cause is quite possibly getting a cell with lower resistance than Mooch’s samples.

I just reviewed the Nightwatch NS14R V2 and measured just over 60A on turbo from a single cell.