Hi people. I have decided to seperate my vaping batteries from my torch batteries, so I can accept a battery that puts out fewer amps.
I want a battery that will last the longest, and give me bright light. My samsung 25R’s worked for around 3 and a half hours on my old S2+, we figured out it probably had an older 30% mid that is how they lasted that long.
I have not tested the life on the new torch, but the mid mode does seem brighter than the old one(although that is from memory)
So, what is a good battery that will put out good light for a long time? 4.5-5 hours on mid would be ideal before low battery flashing occurs, but if I can get even longer than that I will get the battery for longest life.
I am willing to use any brand as I will not be using these in my vaporiser, so there is no safety concerns in that regard.
So, what would you recommend as a long lasting, bright 18650? I am going to buy two (at least) so one can charge while I am using the other. I already own a nice nitecore charger through vaping, so I won’t be using nothing cheap and nasty with no overcharge protection built in.
Thanks, Conan.
Edit: IMR or similar would be preferrable, ICR I am not fond of due to the chemistry.
The LG seems perfect! I am just trying to find a source for them in the UK, I won’t be buying them till payday (week and 2 days) anyway, so lots of time to find somewhere lol.
Hmm I can’t find a source for these batteries I am asking at my other hobby place they may know, I explained its for a torch/flashlight so they don’t have to panic about it being ‘only’ 10AMP lol.
Any other alternatives out there for good life? I will use any manufacturer, even Efest as it is not for vaping just my flashlight.
He has stated he has brain damage, and one of the results is confusion and forgetfulness… I would presume that would be the cause behind the double/identical posting.