Best/cheapest place to pick up genuine Samsung 18650 30q?

Anyone have any leads? ive seen prices posted or hinted to on here in the 3.xx each IMRbatteries appears the cheapest right now at about 52.xx bucks shipped for 8x cells

They were the cheapest when first listed on Gearbest. They were so cheap people thought they were fakes based on that alone. Gearbest probably still has the cheapest list prices (and no fakes have been reported yet) but shipping for li-ions right now kills any deal. $6.50/cell shipped is probably about the best you will get right now.

The IMR price looks good to me; $5.25 a cell (flat top)

Illumn has them for $6.00 a piece plus shipping. The shipping to NY for 4 is $4.03 first class mail… That’s much better than the $17 gearbest charges for shipping

Do a search on ebay. Several dealers selling them for less than 6 bucks a pop with free shipping. One seller, original_year, is located in N. California and is advertising delivery by dec 5. He has several auctions up. One is for 4 30q’s for $21.87 shipped. I saw another dealer selling four for $21.75 shipped. Delivery Dec.6.

This was just a quick look. You could, more than likely, find better deals than those two. I like IMR batteries. Just did a pretty big purchase with them, most for some panasonic protected cells. I just happened to buy some 30q’s earlier in the year off of an ebay dealer so I knew there would be some better deals around.

Have you had good experiences getting genuine cells not fakes?

Save the worry and just buy from CalvinIS ( or RMM ( . These guys are well known and very trusted.

It is well worth paying a couple bucks more (if that much) than having to invest the time and blood-pressure watching for fakes

Thanks for the heads up. went ahead and purchased through him... everywhere else including IMR ended up being 55-60 bucks shipped with tax for 8x 30q cells has them for cheap too within Europe

Samsung 30Q $5.00

@ Orbtronic

Very good price on LG MJ1 18650 3500mAh $5.50