Is there something superior? I checked here (Parametrek Batteries) and the Vapcell and Orbtronic look good too.
I’m planning on walking around with an Emisar DT8 in 18350 configuration as well as a SB90.2 light and I want max power and for it to stay on turbo as long as possible
They seem pretty good. Probably one of the best we can still get. Pic below is the Best one they ever had but they don’t make it anymore. I think there’s been several cells that were a derivative of it. See photo below.
And one against The Vapcell that were brand new and the Aspire were almost 4 years old! I can’t recall the numbers of Cycles on the Aspire…but at least 250.
They have 15 amps written on the cell. I’m sure they’re a legitimate 10 amp and were tested at that, at least that. I still have them. One that wasn’t in the picture below was 1020mAh… don’t think I used that one as much.
Ya but it sure is cool to have a light the size of your thumb that can throw like that! I bought some 18500s too. I’ll probably mostly use a bunch of 18650 Samsung 30Qs I bought for my Firefoxes FF5GT that stopped working after 1 week
So my criteria are that the 18350 must be able to kick out approx 10/15 amps (continuous/instant) and have the highest capacity possible with that current requirement. Still can’t decide which cell to get
I think those KP are the best ones you’ll find. I checked hkj’s review and they were a legitimate CDR of 10 amps and the capacity was 1124 milliamps at .5 amp discharge.
Basically the same as my Aspire…. in which I’m taking Two out of retirement, they’re better than my 15 month old Vapcell M11 even after 5.5 years old(6/17) and 1 year of retirement.
Just did a capacity test on a one of my 1200 mah 18350 batteries bought in October 2020. This thing has hundreds of cycles on it and I always charge it at the highest possible rate that my charger will support
It still holds 828 milliamp hour. It doesn’t sound too bad to me
Hmm… on the other hand it looks like it’s lost about 30% of its rated capacity. Whether or not it would’ve measured 1200 when I got it is another story.
I’m sorry to tell you sir the my aspires were twice that old and had more capacity. I’ll have to look at my records but I know they had more than $250 Cycles on them.
I started a thread best batteries and I have more pictures of them getting their capacity tested. One of my four and a half year old at the time aspire had more capacity than a brand new m11!
You just remind me of something. I have these MJ1’s that after 2 years and 135 Cycles they only lost three and a half percent capacity! They’ll be 3 years old on January 11th. And I’m going to check the capacity again. Have a good night
Wow that’s pretty amazing. So would you still recommend the KP 1200s of the cells on the market right now? I want the best and I may most toss these old ones instead of F’ing around with them
Vapcell M11 might be another option… or the orbtronic
I guess the KP and the M11 are probably the best available today. They have very similar capacity and able to put out 10 amps. There could be another one but I don’t know of any. So I’m guessing those are your Best Bets.