Need to know what is the best product and the best way to lube the threads of the a3 eos upgraded in Aluminium body.
Need to know what is the best product and the best way to lube the threads of the a3 eos upgraded in Aluminium body.
The only thing I use is generic clear silicone grease. It is cheap and available in lots of places. A 50g tube has met all my needs for more than ten years. I don't think the brands here will be the same as in Spain. If you want to spend a little more the spray grease designed for switches and contacts will do the same job.
So will Vaseline. Some claim it will eat the O rings, which would be true if they were made of natural rubber but they haven't been in many, many years.
I prefer a heavy grease to a light oil as it is easier to get just the right amount on the threads. And it doesn't end up on all your clothes.
Thanks Don
In spanish, the translation of Silicone Grease is the white silicone we apply in the heatsinks of the electronics components, like in the PC processors, or in the power transistors in electronics products....
So silicone grease I beleive that is a different product that I know about...
Vaseline, does not work for me. I tested in most flashlights the typical semi-transparent vaseline purchased in the supermarkets, or pharmacies.... It doesnt work for me. Probably you are talking about another type of vaseline...
I use machine oil, the one used in the sewing machines. Is semi-transparent and very fluid. That oil is what I use in the TF F23, and the o-rings are as new, however It has 2 problems:
1) Does not lube correctly
2) The oil keeps in your hands and in your clothes, despite the amount you apply.
So I have that problem. Can find a proper lube in spain, we are talking about different products............
Yes, the white stuff contains aluminium oxide and zinc oxide which are very abrasive. Heatsink grease as I'd call the white stuff is a very bad idea. I does make a good grinding or polishing compound though.
Any grease used on cars will work. I apply it then wipe nearly all of it off with a tissue.
Any electrical supplier should be able to give you switch grease which will do the job.
Hydroseal tap and o-ring lubricant from the plumbing section of my local hardware store. Seems to do the job.
OK thanks to all.
I prefer things that are easy to get.
¿can I use lithium grease? like the one used to lube garage doors, car chasis, suspension, etc...???
(in a small quantity, of course)
Ordinarly lithium grease will be fine.
A small can of lithium grease should last almost forever. Just don't get the stuff with molybdenum disulphide in it - it is black and nasty to clean up.
I use sawing machine/precision machine oil (very cheap and works fine) and technical vaseline (still cheap) from electronic parts shop. Vaseline is better, because it's thicker and stays on threads and gives better slip.
I use Vaseline for the same reason as rzezniq.
Clear silicone grease for O-rings is often used for scuba diving maintenance and can be bought over Ebay.
For example HERE .
I have this stuff called "Super Lube" ( that I got at a hardware store in the US. It says it is a "synthetic grease" and contains PTFE (teflon). It is in a squeeze tube and looks similar to vaseline.
I use vaseline, tried silicone grease but found this too thick, was not that smooth.
It will be fine but is awfully expensive for 5g of generic clear silicone grease.
And any site to get it cheap????
I can probably get 50g of the stuff for the same money - I'd be happy to post it to you. I will get back to you with prices.
Personally I'd just use lithium grease which should cost a lot less and is available at every car place.
I have that lithium grease. I will test in an old flashlight and see the results!
However I will continue waiting a good price on clear silicone grease
Thanks Don
I have an account with them and am about to order some networking gear. I will need some grease for the job so the customer will be paying for it. I have about half a tube that I am happy to send to you for the cost of the postage since I'm getting the replacement basically for nothing. There is about 25g in the tube which ought to be enough for about ten years. Just PM me your address and I will post it tomorrow. Since I am also in the EU the postage won't be more than 3 euros I'd guess.
Hi Don, thanks.
For the moment I inform that I have tested my lithium grease (yellow colored one) and it works!!! Is not like the liquid substance used in the A3 eos but does the job.
I tested a an old flashlight, and screwed and unscrewed it about 50 times and goes very well. I dont know how will react the silicone or rubber orings.
I will take your offer if the lithium grease destroys the orings. But for the moment, appears good