I’m interested in a budget multitool to keep in a small toolkit where there is chance the toolkit or contents could get lost. I have a nice gerber but don’t want to risk losing it in this application. Suggestions?
Indeed, spend much less than that and tbh it’s probably not worth buying. There are plenty in the £25-£50 range on Aliexpress and there are plenty of threads with suggestions already on here. Most people will likely suggest you get a Leatherman which is way out of some peoples budget.
It’s for my kid who is building an adventuring kit. Good chance it will get lost, but if he keeps it long enough I’ll get him a nice brand like Gerber. Hoping to keep it around $15? He’s becoming handy and learning to fix/do stuff with tools but not beyond the age of losing stuff quite yet…
Have you seen this one already? Daicamping $26.59 32%OFF | Daicamping DL2 Folding Knife Scissor Multitools Tactical Clamp Combination Survival Gear Multifunctional Opener Multi Tool Plier 淘宝网 - 淘!我喜欢
I’ve one and although is not a Leatherman it works ok.
I’m about to order this one too NEXtool $13.99 50%OFF | NexTool Multi-tool Pocket Knife Survival Kit Scissors Bottle Opener Screwdriver 12-in-1 EDC Hands Tool For Fishing 淘宝网 - 淘!我喜欢
This link may not be the best deal out there, so if this multitool appeals to you, you might want to try to find a better deal (perhaps also on AliExpress.)
The best budget multitool, hands down, is the Schrade “tough tool” at $19 and change. They make a SS model for $2 more. Amazon.com
When Scrade was a domestic company, they were (literally) the most expensive tool on the market. Schrade went under and a chinese company bought them and moved the tooling to China. The identical multi they make is as good, if not better, than when it was USA made. I have multiples of both versions, and in fact, when the Chinesium models were on sale for $13 bought a crapload for christmas presents 2-3 years back. Love them for car carries and if I lose it I don’t care. Unlike the Leatherman Titanium Charge which is too expensive to use. This Schrade tool is it’s equal in all things but the price IMO.
The only downside is that the lock on the tool is different than any other, and it’s a learning curve in that you have to both learn it, and remember it. However, it is effective. Also, the file in particular is super high alloy steel, so remember to keep a light coating of oil on it or it will rust before you blink twice.
Schrade also makes a superb inexpensive OTF knife.
Left field: if you or your son need some tools, Cripes Distributing has a lot of great NOS and US tools at liquidation pricing. If you buy $50 of stuff they are sending a free cheapie multi-tool. Looks like it’s probably on par with the stuff from Coast and many china brands (that is to say……serviceable with some attention). I only mention this because I just ordered a bunch of stuff and apparently I’ll be getting one of these whether I wanted it or not. lol
They have an ebay store or you can browse and buy on their website, same pricing, little bit more selection on their site. There’s some great stuff on there and some that is just a fun trip back in time to view again. Many of the general hand tools from Allen and Armstrong are ridiculously cheap, good old stock from Irwin, Lenox, Dewalt, Pony/Jorgensen, Ideal, and there’s some stuff from Kobalt and Gearwrench and a handful of others as well. Even some steal prices on Milwaukee and Irwin tool bags (the good ones).
Shipping prices are so-so…not free or cheap but not the worst. You can use “cripe22” for 10% off, offsets shipping a little. They didn’t charge any tax, so they must not do a ton of sales (but if you order on ebay you will certainly pay tax).