Best place to currently buy SkyRay King?

Lets see if everyone can play nice this time…no attacking other members for no reason, no nasty PM’s to anyone!I want Everyone to have a great weekend and play with our flashlights.-Rick

Hope you like a flood light.

That’s cool, in a Tactical way, of course.

And add to that DX is selling a 3000 lumen version. So we have 2000, 3000 and 5000 lumen SkyRay Kings.
Ze chinese sellers are playing mind games with us :smiley:

I have the Little Monster TM11 which is similar. It is all flood. Good for defense in the home or lighting up a BBQ but little else. It does possess superb build quality and a wonderful ‘smart’ side controller.

Are there really different ones out there if we exclude the Mimic? Was just about to order one but halted to be sure there are not one 2000 and one 3000 Lumen version (the 5000 version Lumen one can probably be dismissed as “Chinese Lumens right…?)

I think all will be the same. Take a look at ebay: Most of the XM-L T6 flashlights (like the Ultrafire 501 or C8) are promoted with 1000 lumens (which could be possible, if they are driven hard) or 1300 lumens (which is impossible, if you aren’t a modder). It’s ebay blabla.

It will be the same with the king. Which layperson have another flashlight with 2000/3000/5000 lumens to compare? They will see: Oh it’s really bright and much brigther as my other flashlights.

I still have an element of doubt regarding whether the 2000 lumen one is an underpowered version. The King has been stated to be around 2300 OTF by many reviewers. That’s fine if you consider the manufacturer rating is 3000 lumens. But I find it hard to believe that the Chinese will under-rate their flashlight and sell a 2300 lumen flashlight with a 2000 lumen rating. That would be a first. The 2000 lumen version could be as low as 1500 lumens who knows?

I decided to go with this ebay seller about a week ago:

His 99.8% feedback is beyond reproach; he sells mostly flashlights; he has sold 13 SRKs; and he does imply that there are lower-lumen Sky Ray Kings, but he sells the high power one. The only bad feedback he has is from some yahoo who didn’t read about the postage.

He says: “High Power 5000 Lumens 3x CREE XML XM-L T6 Flashlight — Original One — It is High Power version.”

Probably just hype, but if there are different versions, it seems like this would be the most powerful one.

Of course, the proof is in what I get. The wait begins.

Hope it turnsout all good for ya.I have the TM11,A genuine skyray king and the BLF black version.I wouldnt know wher to start if asked to review of them and i honestly realy like them all so far.The prestige[if thats the word]and quality of the TM11 is nice.Oozes quality for me.finish,holster,stanby light,warranty details,its all kewl stuff,but its pricey.I think worth it though.The skyray king is its self a monster and quality.I was blown away by its flood,easy use.Just got the BLFs black version fron CN Quality flashlights so cant comment at all on performance,but it does everything it says on the tin so far.Finish is great and all functions work well…….
Im off this evening with all three to try and see if thers a diffrence and what the diffrence is.


Take a look at the description:
Output current 2.6A3 ( I think, this should be 2,6A x 3 (each LED))
A XM-L with 2,6A don’t have 1666,66 lumens. The 5000 lumens are impossible.

5000 lumens is impossible, we know that. The 5000 lumen version is almost guaranteed to be the same as the original 3000 lumen King. Basically the confusion is regarding the 2000 vs 3000 lumen versions.

>>>>>>A XM-L with 2,6A don’t have 1666,66 lumens. The 5000 lumens are impossible.

Absolutely! The lumen ratings are always bunk. It’s just that there has been some BLF talk that there exists a newer SRK with less lumens. I went with this guy because he seemed to stress that he had the original one: “Original One — It is High Power version.”

But I’m probably deluding myself and it’s the same as the others … He does have great feedback though!!! I have been an ebay seller for like 12 years, and keeping a 99.8% rating isn’t easy with all the flakey buyers out there, especially since sellers cannot leave feedback any more to keep them in check.

I ordered from the ebay seller below with 99.8% feedback on Sept. 4. I got the SRK today! About two weeks. Not bad. I wish they were all like this. Usually I get items from ebay vendors much more quickly than the web sites.

SRK was packed in a foam insert and wrapped in about 10 layers of bubble wrap and then in a bubble-pack envelope. Would have rather have seen a box, but the amount of bubble wrap would have prevented pretty much all damage except for an A-bomb blast.

No damage. In nice shape.

I did notice that there were some very light marks on the positive contact ring in the battery compartment, like someone tested the flashlight once or twice before shipping. That’s fine with me!

Looks in the daylight — with preliminary wall hunting — that my Trustfire TRJ12 5xT6 might be a hair brighter, but not by much if anything. Have to try it in the dark to see for sure. Regardless, I am glad that I got the SRK. This thing is literally a work of art! Just gorgeous. Even the wife (who was an art director for many years and now is in marketing) liked the design.

Got mine from cnqualitygoods
Fast delivery
Best of all….it’s in BLACK!

Okay I’m done with waiting. I can’t resist anymore.
I decided to order the King.
I want the black one.
The only question is:
NW or CW?
I saw some beamshots somewhere in here but I can not find them anymore.

So whats the difference?

Cw for maximum output but nw will give the green of a forest a more natural look, less cool white.

Id actually think the power of the nw will be enough… :smiley:

Saw a comparison of a Blackshadow Darth cw and a Thrunite TN30 nw and the tint of the TN30 was just nicer…

Did not dare to buy the king =(
I always fear to miss a better light for the money.
So is there any light (in king-style) that would be a better deal?
UF t-70? Dry? etc…

Just saw that Kaidomain have the cw gold one on sale for $53.31 .

$39.50 here:

Not sure about the tint & awaiting shipping quote.