Hi guys.
i want to ask what light is the best thrower using single 18650?
and my budget is max $20.
any suggestion?
For that price I would imagine a Jacob A60. Are you happy to mod it or do you want to buy a stock light?
im planning to give the light as a present for my friend since he need more throw for hunting than spill,where i can get Jacob A60?any other light you can suggest?
If it’s for hunting and you don’t want any spill you could perhaps look at an aspheric light? I’m probably not the best person to ask for this because I don’t tend to look at the cheaper lights anymore so I don’t really know what is available. But maybe a UF-T20 with a de-domed emitter? Ideally you would replace the driver with something with more output and put a newer gen emitter of known tint/bin in there but a UF-T20 will cost $19.33 to start with which is basically your budget gone.
well thanks for the help :bigsmile:
must make a choice between aspheric lens or not :~
I assume you already have, or have budgeted for cells and a charger? I would suggest going with a conventional reflector based light in this case. Even a decently driven XML C8 is a nice light...
If you can find a Jacob A60, there will be less light, but a brighter tighter beam... i would prefer a C8 personally over the cheaper XML zoomies available.
If you can bump your budget up to $25 and spare a second cell, how about a ZY-T08? If not, check out the Supfire L6 or UniqueFire T20 if you like the idea of a zoomie...
...if you are in the US.
just planning to give this light for a friend since he already got himself several 18650 batteries from a laptop battery,
since he need a thrower so in exchange after he gave me some of his 18650 battery i want to give the light he need.
Jacob A60 is one on my mind but aspheric seems fit the thrower more than reflector since he will use it for hunting
Its really hard to beat the A60 in that price range. Stock, no aspheric necessary, it is a great pure thrower.
It was a mistake (of mine) not ordering A60 when they were dirt cheap now I have no time to browse for a good deal
My vote goes to A60…
umh, not sure, what does the “Out of stock” means
Yeah…sadly it is out of stock on gearbest
I just got up :bigsmile:
Nothing like coffee & BLF->Recent Posts :bigsmile:
If It’s for Hunting/Shooting, then look no further than the Jacob A60.
I use one for lamping, 200 yard target acquisition is no problem
I had mine modded to a single ON/OFF mode, no hi/low etc …
Anything with an XML emitter is no good for shooting, too much spill, A60 is long narrow beam - perfect
We will have to difffer on that Dave….
We shoot bunnies by the thousand here in NZ - taking nearly 20,000 off one big farm alone in recent years - and we’ve had time to test out most all the light types. I use my Jacob A60 on one .22 as a scope light but it really is nothing like the useful beam of the BLF tuned high performance XML2-U2 Maxtochs. They are vastly superior as hunters - are in fact designed specifically as hunters.
When hunting you need two functions - the ability to scan big areas quickly, and the ability to throw a beam long distances onto a target. The Jacob at 50-65k lux (our lux meters) is good for medium distance, but it has no field scanning efficiency as the pencil beam is simply too small at 100m. When using an A60 you also need a good broad beam spotlight.
By comparison the Maxtoch M24 runs stock at 80-84k lux, and the 2X at 120k lux - well beyond the A60 in both throw and light output. But they also have very good beam width and cover huge areas for game in seconds. Good enough to have have retired all our big handheld halogen/HID spotties. They are designed in the case of the M24 to be lightweight (270gms), and both have standard scope ring sized 25mm tubes.
Side by side there is no comparison in general hunting use between the A60 and say the Maxtoch M24. And in 10 minutes dedoming the M24 tests out at 170-180k lux, and the bigger 2X at 240-250k lux - huge output and 850-1000m range. Most NZ hunters dedome them.
A60 excellent wee light but like all pencil beams and aspherics it has limitations with the narrow field of view at night. In the sub $20 range it is tops, but if after a single all-purpose hunter light a good thrower XML like the YEzl/08/13 would be my pick - even if you have to spend $5 more - and I’d dedome it straight away.