Isn’t the XHP35 a 12Vf emitter?… 4 dies in series. I don’t think its possible to boost up high enough, and efficiently enough in the C8 form factor, at least not with sufficient current for it to be worth while. Unless there’s a version C8 out there that uses an unusually large driver area / cavity. Let others correct me though.
Similar thread here, boosting up 4.2 Vin to 6V in a small size, single cell host.
Better wait for Simon to return and fills his Convoy Ali shop back up
Of course check daily deal topic of Gearbest and Banggood in the meantime
Not a lot of single cell XHP lights and if you find one it usually is more expensive like Olight R50
Hmm what was that rather small thrower Gearbest released not long ago (Manker copy/made)? XHP35hi below $50 and not so big.
Thre is nothing better than a heavy modded C8 m8, check Tom , Dale or other US based blf modder, they will make one for you : it would be prolly 40-50$ yet for this youll get 1800lm( min) and 140+ cds - a pocket rocket, with modes you can .
Those default HI based C8 aint that good, especialy when you know you have a “cut off” rocket in your pocket
Don’t forget the Eagle Eye X6, very very nice light.
I brought a NW to swap the good parts of a Kronos X6 with but like it so much the parts went into another light and I keep it stock
Slightly smaller then a C8
Skip all that, just got these 2 lights from Aliexpress and it came very quick too… apparently somebody is a big fan of BLF, the new C8 came with 12* 7135 ( 4,2A) driver and XP-L HI V2, the only bad thing it’s only 1 mode
but for the price, it’s not a bad deal at all… in fact it is the brightest C8 I ever own without modding 12* 7135 C8
As for C8s, Convoy, Thorfire, and XinTD are all Highly Regarded. Not sure if XinTD is still being made, though.
Straight out of the tin, all 3 are damned good for <30bux. Thorfire has a kick-ass light for 17bux on Amazon, like, RIGHT NOW. (That’s pretty much what I pay just for a C8 host to roll my own, fwiw.)
Rather than modding the Hell out of a C8, you might just want to get an L2. Twice the bux, but Very Throwy.
Modding a small C8 too much just gives you a curling iron in your hand if you keep it on high too long. Lots of “Ooooh!” factor, but not very practical, if you ask me. At least the L2 has lots more thermal mass and more cooling fins to deal with the heat.
I already have something of a C8 Army, but I’m tempted to get a few more Thorfires, Just Because.