I would like to put one in my zoom light UF-T20 and wonder what is the best natural light with R5 bin ?
I heard some people really liked the 2B tint but how is the 3C tint ? I really don’t want green in my light, I prefer warm white with good CRI.
XP-G2 tint are slightly different than XM-L2.
You can probably tell I wont be very helpful to your question. Although there is some discussion on tint choice and I think 3c is the winner, in the c10 GB thread.
Edit: Not really discussed, just mentioned. I seem to recall the tint being discussed more. But a search of the thread using the word ‘tint’ turned up nothing much, except one members like for the 3c tint dedomed.
The XP-G2 seems to shift tint and hue a lot less than the XM-L2. I have a dedomed XP-G2 3C that actually looks pretty nice, it is warm but is still pleasant. The 2B is also probably very good but I haven't tried that, the 1A keeps a nice cool white.
Yes, I would never recommend dedoming an XM-L2 3C unless you want something pretty ugly. The XP-G2 gets warmer, but not as much visually as the XM-L2. Most importantly, the XP-G2 doesn't seem to suffer from nearly as much yellow/green shift as the XM-L2. The dedomed XP-G2 3C is warm and maybe a little bit yellow but really isn't bad IMO.
I have de-domed a bunch of them and in a T20 thrower in particular I would go with the 1A. It’s a little warmer than cool white when de-domed but it is still white enough. I like the T20 a lot. It’s my favorite zoomie by far. A de-domed 2b gives a very neutral tint in a t20, not yellowish brown but not far from it either.
I also think that the lens on the T20 makes the neutral seem more neutral for some reason. I have put the same de-domed emitter in a regular thrower and it seemed more cool to my eyes.
Last night was my first attempt at chemically dedoming an LED. It worked fairly well in that the dome was almost completely removed with no apparent damage to the phosphor layer.
The LED I dedomed was a cool-white XPG2 with 2B tint.
I like how the dedome increased throw. But I DON’T like the new tint. It looks very yellowish-green. Much much worse than the non-dedomed 3c tints I’m used to.
Are you sure it was real 2B tint ? If you got it from intloutdoors it should be the real tint.
Good to have a different point of view. I only did 3 dedome with random XM-L2 and it turned ugly green, only one with unknow XM-L T6 turned into a neutral tint. De-doming seem to be a lottery… :_(
This is intl-outdoors XP-G2 2B dedome and I personally consider this better, warmer and more eye friendly tint than than dedomed FT XP-G2 1A cool white (they are both cool white when dome on, 1A 6000K and 2B 5700K)
Guess I’ll see how I like it when I finish dedoming my 3C.
I’ve also ordered some 6500k 1C XPG2s from Illumination Supply. When those arrive I’ll try that.
I like brownish white neutral tint. Barring that, I’d settle with cool white. If I can’t have that, yellowish might be ok. But I hate green tint in my flashlight.
If I can’t find a tint I like dedomed I might end up going back to using a domed LED. I’ve gotten spoiled by good tint.
I don't think that any dedomed LED I've tried ever looked exactly like a domed LED tint-wise. I think it's just part of the deal, although the XP-G2 do seem to shift less towards the yellow/green (especially green) than the XM-L2s do. I am by no means the expert and I think that each of us has a personal preference when it comes to tint.
My picture is not showing the correct tint. The colour is more brownish than anything. On a white wall it looks horrible but outside it is quite nice. Personal preference will pay a big part here.
Got my 3c dedomed and installed in my Rustu tonight. The tint is quite yellow with a small hint of green. I think there’s less green than with the previous LED I tried.
Still not a fan of these dedomed tints, but I do like this one better than the last. The two I’ve tried so far look much worse tint-wise than my domed LEDs.
On the upside, the increase in throw with dedoming is really quite amazing, and the flood doesn’t look that much dimmer.
Not much only 10×amc7135 chips... But it is hand selected emitter... The brightest one I had among 20 ;) but even with lowest performance XP-G2 R5 2B you could get 400KCD. Also switch spring swapped for thicker and better one(original spring sucks and decreases performance). I did not bypassed anything( I tried in earlier phase of modding but no visible improvements)
Soon I will try the current king of XP-G2's and it is XP-G2 S2 1A so I expect further 5-10% of throw improvement if it will be in upper performance of its bin class
But still 2B have much nicer tint(imo) than 1A so I am looking forward for 2B release of S2 bin or newest better emitter than XP-G2.