I ordered a Bestfire 18350 IMR from GearBest for my Astrolux S41 with hopeful, but low expectations. The battery label claims 1100mAh and 30A capacity. I can’t test batteries like HKJ and others, but after giving it a full charge I put it in the light and measured 6A at the tailcap with the S41 on turbo, only somewhat less than the 6.9A I measured using my Samsung 30Q. That was pretty impressive. A red Trustfire 14500 IMR measured around 4.5A. I don’t really want more than 6A going through this anyway (and it could be less or more since the tailcap wasn’t in place). I measured the discharge capacity on my Turnigy Accucel 6 which always measures about 20% less than better tests (stops at 3.0V), so if I correct for that, I think the true capacity of the cell is about 850 mAh at 1A discharge. For about $3 per cell, that seems pretty decent. The cell is essentially a flat top.
I posted basically this same review at GearBest and they gave me 10 points, but they didn’t actually publish it.