EasyB …. Funnily enough I found that one recommended elsewhere jut after I posted my query … someone even suggested if the velcro’s not great onto the handle bars just use zip ties instead to make it ore stable … at the cost I must admit I’m very tempted.
Flip side of the coin …… I’m also tempted to say it’ll be something I use for years as a regular hobby so the initial cost becomes considerably less when used repeatedly for a number of years and is a semi serious hobby.
I may try the cheap one, see how good it is, if it’s great hang onto it but if it’s just “OK” then put it on the Mrs bike as she very occasionally needs one but not as a regular user.
Thanks for the suggestions from all … very much appreciated!!!
On that velcro mount, I have also added a layer of rubber around the handle bar, like from an inner tube. You still have to tighten the strap pretty good, but this helps keep it from rotating up or down easily.