Even with long protected cells, my SRK blinked on and off constantly before I built a remote cell pack under the seat. The weight of the light with the cells was simply too much and creates a large inertial moment over the slightest bumps. Yours adds a fulcrum from the head becasue it floats in free air, so it exacerbates the problem even more. My SRK also used to dim after 45 minutes of continuous use (30 minutes after my driver mod). Remove the cells from the SRK and build a tail pack for your cells, then you can run for several hours without dimming while maintaining a proper CG across the wheelbase. Hard to believe, but even while adding more weight to the tail with more cells, the bike will handle better after removing the weight of 4 x 18650’s at the front and shifting the weight aft.
I run my older SRK on a homemade mount (has foam surrounding light) along with an Olight M2X-UT (for high beam) on a similar mount as the OP, and have not had any flickering problems or mode switching on either light. I did once mount a cheap HD Defiant light and it would change modes on practically every other bump.
BTW, I’m using unprotected Panasonic button top batteries.
Thought I’d ask here if anyone had the same problem I am having: I have a Skyray King 8x cree…using 4x Panasonic 3400mAh batteries. I have been using it for just about 3 weeks now…just the time to make some tests and understand the equipment. So…I am noticing that the Skyray is only using 2 out of the 4 pana batteries that I am fitting in. Everytime I put them to charge (after using for 1h or more) using BT-C3100, it display’s me that two are full?
At first I considered the problem coming from the two ‘full’ but it wouldn’t make sense…then I thought the problem could be in the negative connectors of the skyray….but I made a test fitting the two ‘Full’ cells on all of the connectors and the light worked in all of them.
So at this point I don’t know what is happening….I wish my SkyRay can use all 4 cells….and last double the time!