Big batteries. 46800 and bigger

Some Tesla model Y’s have been using the 4680 for a year. There is one still one on ebay with a ridiculous asking price. The pack tear-down looks difficult and tedious, so Im not sure if these will eventually appear individually at used cell outlets. It looks like others were able to acquire engineering samples so I might look into going that route. Tesla appears to have the most high tech 4680 to date.

Thanks for EVE’s contact info. That might be a great alternative and I’ll look into it. Have you purchased from them before?

I’m excited to see these cells appear on the market outside of Tesla. I’m planning an EV build and have been assuming that I need to use 21700 (or 2170) cells, and that would require a huge amount of welding. 4680s would mean fewer cells and less effort to assemble.

I always wanted to bore out a Q8 and stuff one of those big donks in there.

No springs needed, just use a flat conductor and a few Belleville washers for a low-profile “spring” to make contact.

Theoretically, it could fit, given the Q8’s dimensions.

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I have a Q8, and I’m very pleased with it. But related to your suggestion: a Sofirn SP36 has a smaller body (3x18650) so you are left with little empty space. Even better: if the 46800 has both poles at one end, why not 3D-print a new slimmer body without any metal. Choose the correct dimensions and you can replace the tail spring by a piece of (rigid) foam rubber.

As you can see, there is a lot of commotion over these larger batteries. This warrants a dedicated desk charger option. I never liked charging batteries in the light. For emergencies yes.

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I just measured, an SP36 would not fit a 46mm battery. It barely would fit in the battery tube of the 4x18650 Q8, leaving a very narrow tube on the threaded part. Currently the widest diagonal part is of the Q8 tube is 45mm, so it would be a very tight fit.

Maybe the 3x21700 Q8 Plus has enough space, I don’t have one of those to measure. Both Q8 versions would need a spacer for the extra length anyways.

Also, when it comes to these batteries in sodacan lights, there’s now a 46950 tube available for the Convoy/Pioneman 3x21700 flashlights, on Pioneman’s Taobao store. A 46950 version of the Convoy 3x21B would be rather nice, almost double the capacity for only a bit more size.

Whoa, it’s 46mm exactly at the widest part.

But that includes the little cutout bit for the 21700s. So it still wouldn’t fit a 46mm diameter cell as is.

Found some new goodies.
Power bank / Charger.

Found some batteries.

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Nice, hopefully they will have a desktop charger soon for these.

“Magnetic suction module” :rofl:

I’m just going to say lost in translation.

I think it might make a lot of sense to have a 46xxx big battery version of the BLF LT1. It would be like 2 to 3 times as much energy capacity and slightly taller, so it could illuminate a table better. And the lantern is its own charger.

Also good in other big lights, of course. But I don’t really use those because they’re too big. A lantern is the only form factor I actually use which could accommodate such a big battery.

I could see it being useful for a shower head soda-can mule flooder though, for a photography fill light. Or maybe a soda-can style single LED thrower, to get the absolute maximum power and runtime in a long range beam.

4 Thanks

46xxx batteries can be very useful for soda can flashlights. I use my Convoy 4x18a every weekend to explore underground quarries, and 4 18650 cells are not enough for an entire exploration. I need to carry at least 4 more cells to avoid being stranded in the dark.

2 Thanks

I ceiling bounce my larger lights so the soda cans get double duty as a soda can and lantern. It’s really promising points are huge capacity and going to become very common. Still trying to find a data sheet for the Samsung/BMW 46120 beast. ToyKeeper you got enough influence to get a new version of the Sofirn BLF LT1 and/or the Q8 Plus revamped in 4695?

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Another 46xx battery powered flashlight. This time 46110

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Another one in 46950 for the list.

1 Thank

Where’s this list you speak of?

This thread. Add them as you find them.


Another 46800 flashlight. Fitorch P200 14000lm 650m 46800 Battery Recharging Flood Flashlight – Nealsgadgets