Bleach Concentration Calculator

There are so many conflicting formula for making a correct bleach to water ratio out there.
Even the CDC has different pages that seemingly contradict each other.
Too many places say use XX amount per XXX.
But they never state the original bleach concentration.

Here is an on line calculator that lets you input your desired concentration, say 1000ppm.
You enter the bleach concentration you have on hand, and the amount of cleaner you want to have on hand.

Remember that once mixed the solution should be used within 24 hours as the bleach water mix degrades.
Keep Safe,
All the Best,

Good advice, i just top my spray bottles up each day with more water and a squirt of bleach.

jeff51 thank you. Very useful info!

Thank you jeff51, useful info indeed. Another thing we should keep in mind is that bleach does breakdown in its undiluted form, as is mentioned in the op’s link under “precautions”.

Yes, the ratios vary for home use, for restaurant kitchens, and the strongest is for medical labs. It is all online but takes some searching. Someone gave me beehives and I discovered the bees died of American Foul Brood disease. Burned the boxes, threw away the frames, and washed the rest with the medical lab strength solution. Sorry I did not keep any of the information from my web searches, but you can find the government regulations online which are the only source worth using.