BLF A6 lost, seeking next EDC

I think my treasured A6 BLF Special is lost forever.

Seeking a worthy replacement EDC.

Prefer same battery/size but open to suggestions.

I loved the programming of the A6 BLF Special. It was the warm tint.

WB, pauldfixr!

Wow, welcome back after 9 years!

The A6 had an XPL, if you had the warm white version, it was likely the 4000k 5A bin.

This review measured it putting out 1500lm and 12,271 cd at 30sec.

Length and format-wise, it’s similar to the convoy S2+, these are available in absolutely dozens of anodising colours/drivers/LED options, there are various complaints about the thermal regulation not working well with some of the driver options, though.

If you wanted to build your own light, you could get a convoy S2+ or S6 (slightly deeper reflector) and get a driver from Mtnelectronics with the same firmware.

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I have a newer BLF A6, it is basically the same size as a Convoy S2+ or S3.

If you like the form factor you could get a Convoy S3 (as it has a shelf like the A6 instead of a pill like the S2+ for better thermals).
You can get it with a decently efficient buck driver running a clone of Biscotti UI (called 12-group) and a Nichia 519A emitter in your CCT of maybe 4000k (or a dedomed 5700k for a rosy 4200k with a beam closer to XP-L HI). If you dislike the UI, the S3 is a 20mm driver IIRC but Convoy sells a 20-17mm driver adapter and you could swap in a MTN t13a driver with A6 UI.

Another option if you want something newer and brighter, you could consider an Anduril light with a 21700 battery like an Emisar D4K. It is a bit wider and shorter than the A6 but not by too much.
It is what I EDC, it’s very small for the battery size, it’s available in a lot of emitter options and has a very programmable UI. I would suggest the dedomed 519a 5700k for that one as the optic is pretty floody, and the new boost driver for efficiency.

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Sorry for your loss - Your A6 might be gone but those memories will last .
I cherish my A6 as it is my first. “Real” flashlight.

Hey I have 2 A6 BLFs one in use and silver one still in box. Great light for years of camping over years. One in box is silver and will maybe be my back up light in backpack. Easy to see in emergencies.
Wish the same was but into a head lamp. Would be perfect for spreed and
distance. Still a great light.