Good day fellow flashers. My A6 acted weird the other night with it remaining on. I found the culprit and it's the tail cap inner spring. Should I solder using the GREEN arrow or BLUE arrow fix??
I rip the inner springs out of them anyways, then wire a 18/20awg wire spring bypass in…depending on the light, in that one a 22awg will work fine…
Oh never thought of doing the spring wire mod. Hey instead of insulated wire, how about a pure copper wire with the insulation stripped. The uninsulated pure copper wire is 1mm diameter.
Are you talking solid copper wire? You want the spring to work like a spring…. use flexible multi-stranded silicone wire…or braided solder wick in a pinch…
Ok yeah silicone wire has flex and solid copper doesn’t. Just like in my C8+. I was thinking what if I compressed the copper wire into a mini coil and solder that inside the outer spring. Then the spring should still compress??
What I mean is…
1) coil solid copper wire into a mini spring less diameter of BLF outer spring
2) get pliers and compress and flatten solid copper wire
3) insert inside outer spring and onto pcb
4) solder away
Work? No work?? Maybe I’ll try it just for the heck. If I mess it up , I’ll do silicone wire.
Well if it is too rigid and or the spring bottoms out, you run the risk of denting or piercing the cell……
Depending upon soldering skills using a solid copper wire risks getting solder along the entire length of the wire and thus making it non-compressible.
What I mean is compress the copper wire like a stove element. Then it’ll be flat and can solder inside outer spring onto pcb board. So the compress copper core is basically flat. Sorta looks like a plate you know.
Spring metal is a different alloy that would not as quickly “work harden” like copper wire.
Ohhh I think I got it. Use flexible wire for spring mod because then the surface contact area with the battery negative portion will be double. If I do the compress copper wire stove like mod, then the double surface area of battery negative plate will no longer be double.
Basically I’ll have more resistance on the bottoms pcb if I were to do the compress copper wire mod.
I went and did a wire spring mod as advised . Went smooth but cut my finger a bit on some sharp piece. Flashlight okay now.