BLF customized Tank007 lights: Which would you buy first? Only SERIOUS buyers please. [Poll closed]

And a name! How about...

E07 BLF Edition

(The number is a date. Could be the date that we send the final specs to be manufactured.)

Looks and sounds great to me!

Don't worry, mate. If all those E07 will be sold fast, perhaps they'll offer 567 for less than 22 bucks :p $)

I can only agree. Osram LED's are awesome. Especially(and preferably!) if they come with an Audi attached.

Too late. He couldn't wait for the BLF edition, so he got a stock one and already modded the emitter and made his own pocket clip. Now I gotta find an emitter on a star that small. Ooh, it does look sweet, though...

Ok since the E07 won i guess we need to see at least how many they need to produce so count me in for

1 E07

I will also get the other two when it becomes their turn.

I guess this is good that were doing this individually to help spread the cost over time.

will we receive a test sample to review or try or will this go straight into production?

If manafont will take pre-orders, I'd be willing to go ahead and reserve my E07s with payment. I just want a delivery date.

I'm in for 1 E07, love my regular one and definitely looking for a 3 mode version, a plus is a neutral tint.

sb56637 (Mr Admin), would you please inform us what will be the next "steps" regarding ordering / buying of the "BLF" version of the TANK007 E07???

How long do you think we have to wait regarding final Specifications and (pre) ordering?


Any news?

take two wen itΒ΄s possible

Should be available at the end of August. See this announcement:

Too bad they abandoned the pocket clip idea... the odds were against us. I will pass on this one then... I hope that the Tank007 TK-567 with clip becomes a reality though...

Update: Argh, Jim got me again... the credit back tipped the scales... dammit...does Manafont accept other used flashlights as payment? ;-)