[BLF Group Buy Interest List] Sofirn SP33S High CRI Edition: the GT-FC60 R9080 saga! (Brightness numbers are in!))

Anduril have good thermal regulation… Indeed, but proper thermal regulation is possible with properly made overall flashlight design. Sofirn have to stick external thermal sensor to host or do potting for driver. Because now temperature is measured on T shape PCB which have no contact with aluminum host. Anyway , who cares … :smiley:

Yeah the MCU placement is not very good for sensing the temperature, but even so it shouldn’t oscillate as much with proper regulation tweaks.

(Graph from SammysHP’s review )

Anduril will not oscillate and i ques its possible manually adjust right temperature off host by holding hand on it and changing thermal ceiling, but it will take some time to do it.

I wish you’d put the time and effort into the cell charger….

Count me in!

It would be nice to get better thermal regulation as well as Anduril 2.

That sounds a bit pushy, this is incomparably less work than the charger, while still time and effort given to the community.

Welcome to BLF erasmus42!

Thanks thefreeman!

I would get one if they were to put Anduril 2 on it.


I'm interested


All added.


Yeah, why not. Interested. :money_mouth_face:

Interested!!!.. too bad I already ordered the SP33S last week….

Ok, so I did something a bit extra: since we’re likely going with neutral tint binning(–0.005 to 0.000), I’m also asking Sofirn if it’s possible to them to change out the AR lens coating used in their lights from purple to green, so that it adds some extra rosiness :smiley:

I don’t want to push our luck too far though :smiley:

A proper lens coating would be an awesome addition.

So, where link?

[confused unga bunga]

No link yet.

Sofirn needs to get their LED samples first and then the rest can continue :slight_smile:

While they wait for their LED samples, they can work on loading Anduril and making 26800 tubes or end caps. It’s all about time management.

The 26800 stuff isn’t really the bottleneck.
Anduril 2 though is, especially if they have to change some driver components and load a new UI on it.