BLF is running slow and gave me an offline notice for a moment

I've certainly been getting it more often than I did say a month ago, of course that may be because of increased traffic due to the holidays.

Hi everyone,

Sorry everyone for the poor performance. I’m not too sure why the site is suffering so much these past 7 days or so. Traffic is about normal.

I made some tweaks, please let me know if you continue to experience problems.

Thanks a lot for your patience! Have fun.

Getting drupal messages off and on all day…hopefully being addressed. Any updates that can be shared? Thanks.

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the frequent errors this week. I finally identified a major issue with one thread that was causing some processes to crash and hang, which was partially responsible for the frequent periods of inaccessibility.

Additionally, I reworked the way an internal housekeeping script is executed to further reduce the probability of too many SQL requests and PHP processes stacking up on top of each other.

Please let me know how it works for you in the next few days. As always, thanks a lot for your patience! Have fun.