BLF Kronos X6/X5 GB - Group Buy now closed.

Finish that TI X6!!!
I have one of Rey’s Ti X6 (sadly no trit slots) on the way and a couple TI 1 triple’s. Anxiously awaiting that package.

Here is a link for the Copper X6 and other parts from Russia. X6 copper should be item #5. He also has the SC/X5 Quad parts.
Low-cost copper pills, spacers, optics, drop-ins. Custom spacers, pills, drop-ins, laser parts by request
Items actually arrive pretty fast. He is good to deal with. Shipping gets a bit confusing as it has weight limits and buying several items may need multiple packages. Also if you make the SS a triple with the copper spacer, use a sharpie to confirm where the copper contacts in the head (bottom of outer rim). It will not seat into the 20mm emitter shelf on the SS head but it still works.

Couple weeks ago the S41 had a code on Amazon that made it $30 Prime with 2 day. Sale description was confusing to which emitter version at that price but Nichia’s were received. I got in on one, making it my 5th. I have already used the code so I am unable to check if it still works. Just be aware of the issues with emitters they have. They are awesome with XP-L HI if you need to upgrade emitters. Took forever to find the link again… Not sure it works anymore. Think the (yellow1) selection was the one for code.
$30 S41 on Amazon