BLF logo?

Is that a latticebright LED in the exlamation point? :wink:

I don’t like the exclamation point, it’s like we’re yelling beee ellll eeeffff.

I’m not criticizing, just saying that the bottom of the ‘L’ running underneath the ‘F’ has the logo looking like BLE… lol

Bugsy has already designed the BLF Special Edition logo for the first X6-SE and the A6-SE. He is designing something special also for the X6-SE v2 :slight_smile:

I found a new header image for BLF…

Fwoosh ..... ?

Mine go “Vwaar”.

How about making the “BLF” on the A6 the official logo? Just share the name of the font and it’s done. It looks so professional imho.

would laser-engrave nicely at about that size.

the explanation page is hilarious

I’m kind of tempted to engrave part of panel 3 on a bright light and send it to Randall Munroe with a couple cells and a charger. Fully customized FET+1 driver, of course, and pimped out with a lighted tailcap.

Yeah, I think we’ve been pinned. He should be an honorary flashaholic.

DO IT!!! :party:

I’m half tempted to replace my signature with that image, but since you posted it you have first dibs :beer: