BLF logo?

You beat me to it DavidEF. Yeah will34 that one is awesome. I love the way the light (exclamation) coming from the emitter shines brighter than the rest and light fades away as it gets further from the source. Great concept. I’d put my vote in for that one at the top of the website. Nice work.

MS Paint has its limits…

GIMP is free. So is Inkscape. Both are quite powerful graphics programs, one for raster art and the other for vector. They’re basically like Photoshop and Illustrator, only free and with different interface styles.

MS Paint and I have our limits…

You lost me at raster and vector.

+1 for both of these free tools. They really are very powerful. And add to that Blender 3D for the uh, 3D stuff. :stuck_out_tongue:

Raster makes pictures out of dots - like MS Paint. You can draw one dot at a time. Vector uses math, angles, and lines to draw shapes. The pictures are scalable. I know, still nerd speak. :nerd_face:

I was wondering if this thread will have the same fate than other past attempts to make a BLF logo? I really hope not.

I'm not talking about a logo for the website but to be engraved on out GB lights, something that identifies the BLF Special Editions and symolizes our spirit for the hobby and I made the first samples with that in mind. I never intended to make a logo for te website because that would require a complete rebuild of the forum engine into a heavier, more graphical one. I like it the way it is now, very lightweight, clean and fast loading. As you might have noticed all of the logos are B&W, they're not designed to be used for the forum.

So... the real question remains, do people really want a logo at all? We can work on improving the design to meet the liking of the majority, but why waste our time if most people prefer no logo at all.

I suggest we make a poll first: "Do you want BLF S.E. lights to have our own logo on it?".

wow guys. Some pretty neat suggestions in there. Hard to pick one.

I like the middle one best out of them all so far.

I like military themes generally, but please don’t use the 1920s patch of the 45th Infantry Division, of the United States Army.

I still like these best, from will34:

I know what you’re referencing, but why bring it up here?

Awesome! Bottom one is my favourite so far. Love it! Good work everyone.

I thought it was funny, is this thread too serious for a little humor?

The one on the right gets my vote(Post 27 ). I’d rather see something that doesnt look like letters at first glance. No offense intended but to me all the easily read BLF logos look a bit childish. That one looks like a logo first and only further examination shows that it’s actually letters. This is the first one that I’ve actually liked a lot.

I think this is great. As others pointed out it looks good even when facing downward ( like an animal). The only change I would make to it is for the B to be a bit more narrow. To me it just looks a bit unbalanced.

Like this.

To me when its turned vertical it has a bit of a Chinese character look to it. The B also sort of reminds me of the head of the DX robot.

I also really like the one that looks like a flashlight with the angled head. Accept without the beam lines.

Great brain storming on these so far guys...

Thanks for the comments!

Do you think krono and bugsy (and participants of the current GBs) would agree to have a custom logo in the lights?

I can make a new one based on suggestions or keep working on any of the current logo to make it prettier and more appealing to most, if we agree to have it. However I believe it could be risky at the same time as some might back out of the GB because they dislike the logo.

Current designs are low res samples just to show the basic shape, many details can be added and improved. My photoshop skills are limited but with enough ideas I’m sure we can come up with a logo worthy of being engraved on a BLF edition light.

I like the idea of having a custom BLF logo on all of our GB lights. But, I think it’s too late for the A6, and possible the D80. Perhaps the X6 v2 can make use of a logo, once we get one finalized. I do think you should start a poll to find out how many BLF members would even want a logo. Then, maybe we can pick a few of the fan favorites from this thread and you can do another poll to choose exactly which it should be.

Yea, seems too late for the A6 at least.
But from the hints they have given it seems there are more custom lights in the works. I would like to see a BLF logo on our customized special edition lights. Something that is simply a GB for a price discount only doesn’t deserve a BLF logo imho.

Funny "space skater"