Hello everyone.
I have been lurking here for about a week or so and am ready to pull the trigger on my first flashlight.
I have decided on a Convoy S2+
My main use will be for walking the dog at night, I live on Toronto Island which is basically a park, no streetlights or other to speak of really, it’s pretty dark around my house despite the fact that I live in the centre of a city with the pop. of 3 million…
Secondary uses will be occasionally mounted on my bike and probably will be an EDC as well.
I am still undecided on which colour, it will be either the green or the grey. I am leaning towards the grey but from what I have read people seem to like the metal switch on the Red/Blue?Green versions…. I will probably go with the grey unless someone talks me into the metal switch… is it that much better?
I think I have decided on the 7135x8 driver, I figure I am out and about with the dog at night for only 15-20 minutes max and on my bike I can use the medium mode and I am sure it will be brighter than the lamp I am using now.
I have decided on the 3B tint. I figure a little warmth will be to my liking.
Some other things in my cart on Simon’s shop I am wondering about and just want to validation on my choices…
The 18350 Battery tube
Is this just the centre piece of the host that I can switch out to change from 18650 to 18350 mode and back again? That would be cool! I have several 18350 cells already and a couple of 18650 because I vape. I believe all the cells I have are unprotected (I had no idea about protected cells until I started reading here) Turns out I know very little about batteries…… I have never blown one up though but that’s just dumb luck!
This clamp looks pretty badass… I guess for the price it’s worth the risk either way.
This magnet fits and works well? Does it render this clip useless at the same time, I think I read that in a thread somewhere… maybe not…
Again I guess I am just looking for validation that my first high powered LED flashlight purchase is going to be a smart one… ya’ll seem like smart fellas! The Convoy S2+ seems like a good starting point… I realize I am doomed to start collecting a few lights after spending a few days lurking here on your forum…
Also what’s the first MOD people start with round here?
EDIT: This looks fun!
Hide your wallet, lock up your credit cards! You’ll get addicted, I swear it’s true! I started off trying to get a “perfect” tint, just a few years ago. Now I have over 160 flashlights! Yep, I’m a flashaholic, didn’t mean to, but this is an addictive hobby, be warned!
The S2+ is a nice light, good place to start. For what you’ve described your usage will be, this one should please you pretty well… for a while.
The green fluorescent o-rings are usually used at the glass/bezel, they’ll glow after you’ve used the light and help you to find it if you set it down in the dark.
The short tube is a must have! It’s so cool to have the short light in your pocket and the intensity of the light will remain almost the same (provided you have a good 18350 of course), run time will suffer as you’d expect, but it’s just so handy!
For bike use I’d go with grey or black, either with rubber tail cap button for better water resistance. Black ano will be more durable. Green is kind of Limey to me.
The magnet works fine with the above clip. It is the screw-on clip that interferes with the magnet.
It’s going to be personal preference, but I prefer the 6x driver for EDC use. I went from 3x to 6x and the increase wasn’t as pronounced as I thought it would be, 6x to 8x was even less so and I settled with the 6x.
My first mod was a dedome, which failed. Followed by driver swapping and my next mod will be a triple S2+ when I can get my hands on a copper spacer or triple pill.
Yes, 6 chips is still nice and bright.
With the 18350 tube the S2+ is zoo cute!
Magnet is very useful indeed.
I went with the red because it is for my wife, I remove 2 of the 6 chips because of runtimes and heat . with that small tube really cute.
I used red shrinking tube to add magnets to the black clip making the color nicer and having a second way of sticking it to metal surfaces besides the tail magnet
Very neat starter! With blinking if cell gets low so unprotected cells can be used without a problem.
i don’t buy convoy lights from Simons ali shop because I dislike his tints .i’d buy the blue s2+ from Gearbest.or a grey which they normally have on sale for like 10$ .
i think the bike clamp is not very great and would opt for the cheap silicon straps simon sells and grab a two fish mount somewhere for a buck . I’d try a few cheap clamps first …The one you listed I didn’t like very much . the magnet seemed like a better idea than it really was .I have the chrome coming off one and it’s a lot junkier than I expected . The blue is kind of pretty and I really like the look and feel of the metal clicky . i have no idea why simon is considering painting it black ??So I’d suggest it since the stainless one might disappear
I am also considering this Eagle Eye as a gift for my Dad. I like the idea of him not needing to worry about charging and can just “charge the light”.
Here’s a question:
What is the consensus about on board charging. I know for vaping gear “they” recommend NOT to use onboard charging for some reason…. I am sure you guys can enlighten me about that…
Well I pulled the trigger on both the Green S2+ 6xdriver with the 4C tint. ( I convinced my wife that she wants the S2 (but she won’t be carrying it around ….hahaha!) and I got the Eagle Eye X2R in Grey for myself.
I guess I have to order the deep pocket clips and 18350 tubes from Simon directly eh?
Can someone confirm that the 18350 convoy tube will fit on the EE? Looks like it would.
So it appears that the driver on the EE is not as powerful as the convoy, maybe I’ll look into changing out the drivers as my first MOD.
I wish I ordered S2+ in black. The gray looks very good on it’s own, but standing next to absolutely gorgeous matte black of M1 - there is no contest.
I am glad I ordered both lights with 7135x8 driver. The high mode is extremely useful, even if you can’t use for more than 5 minutes on S2+ because of the heat.
The 4C tint looks very nice. I would like to compare it to 3B in the future to see which I like better. That said, the tint is a bit different on my two lights (bin variation?).
I am glad I ordered both lights with mode option 2 (low, mid, high), I don’t need blinking modes, and single blink on low to switch groups would be annoying.
Of the two lights I like M1 more. If you don’t mind slightly larger size - get M1. Better yet, get both of them, and C8 XP-L HI too, while you are at it (that’s what I am getting next).
I think you’ll be happy with your purchases. I always go for the most powerful version and use lower modes if needed. Some people don’t recommend charging internally because its charging in a sealed tube and if something goes wrong. Potential bad things. But if it has a good cc CV algorithm and over charge protection should be fine. I charge my nitenumen with on board charging and my handaccu with the on board charging. And I charge my vape unit evod pro with the onboard charging. Never a issue. Wouldn’t hurt to check the charged battery with a multimeter to see where it terminates at. I trust technology today for the most part. And the newer imr and inr battery chemistries are about impossible to make blow up. Unless you throw them in a fire. They just vent. Basically your vaping batteries of today. The older ICR were the ones with most of the issues. Stay away from any batteries with fire in the name and you’ll be good.
The eagle eye x6 and convoy c8 are nice lights as well. They are a little larger. There are times I use my x6 as my every day carry. One of my favorite lights. And during winter months a c8 fits comfortable in a hoody or jacket pocket. There are some people here who will build you a complete modded light.
Mostly agree with Speed4goal, with the exception of the robust 32650. The TrustFire 6000mAh 32650 is the best one available hands down, even outperforming most of the top 26650’s. But that’s the only TrustFire I’ll buy.
Chances are that if a cell vented inside a light it’d blow out the switch. Don’t know. But I’m a bit leery of taking the chance myself.
You are fortunate to have Convoy as some of your first purchases. I ended up here looking to mod some of my junk lights. In the end it’s not worth it when you can buy a Convoy for less with genuine emitters. I am still the type of person that likes to do things myself & fortunately Convoy offers Hosts to do as you wish.
Just bought an X2R today. Will prolly end up as a gift to someone or an emergency light because of its charging possibilities.
Threw in an X6 host cause I really like my Astro SS size and power potential.
You’ll be happy with what you bought, but for just 2x more you also could have also gotten a C8 to see which one you like better. And they would have arrived at the same time and in the same package. The S2+ is more of a flood beam, the C8 has more throw to “reach out” there, more of like a “classic” flashlight beam with a hotspot for reach and spill for in close. See how this works? “Now would I like this more?”. It’s not too late to order one.
I have an S2+ in grey and it’s just classy and is one of my EDC lights. The other EDC is a C8 but the S2+ is the easiest to get to.
OK, so just poop on it all after the S2+ and C8 and get an L6. Trust me, you’ll love the thing, just maybe not the size and even that can be worked on as far as carrying it goes and to get it out of the hand to free it up (I’ll call it cross body “purse” carry). The L6 has low modes for huge runtimes and close range usability, and still can reach out well over 100 yards for identification, and to blind in closer if that’s required. It’s close to the perfect light at this time. It’s my night time chore light and to investigate things that go bump in the night here in rural Maine USA. I used it just last night for vermin removal, as I needed two hands free for another tool, but we don’t need to go there.
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone…. yes I have been eyeballing other lights, mostly just Convoy so far though as there seems to be a consensus of great value.
Are you one of “those guys” Speed4goal?
Tell you what, I’ll send you my new EE XR2 packed full of BC bud and you send it back with a triple Nichia 219B, TIR lens, copper heatsink and I am afraid I haven’t learned enough about drivers yet to know what to ask for but I trust your discretion….
It seems like you’re hooked already but don’t worry and stay calm- that will keep the peace at home till Mama asks why the credit card bill is so high It’s a great hobby and glad you’re with us.
Welcome to “The Addiction” & BLF ‘Fesso’!! Good luck with keeping it under control… you’ll probably need it. Cause no truer word were ever spoken than those above……
S2+ is a good choice. In fact most of the Convoy line are good choices, I’m sure you’ll find that out for yourself before to long though. :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face:
Be sure to not overlook the M1…. it is a really nice little light.