BLF/OL contest interest check

Are we interested in having a contest this year?

2 Thanks

I’d like to participate (first time).

1 Thank

I’m in the same position as the last couple of years - would like to get involved but don’t really have the time.

Yes, I am.
I would hope for a start time later in the year as my July-Aug is busy busy. But I would do whatever I could make time for.

Can i borrow your lathe :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m a little bit further up the road neighbour, you might want to bring a cut lunch for the trip

I have a project in mind with one of those old halogen spotlights.

And also - Is someone volunteers to manage it?

I’d be interested, this year I already have an idea and it should be a lot more practical than my previous attempts.

1 Thank

For managing a challenge the most difficult or time-consuming tasks are the solicitation of sponsors and prizes and the recruitment of judges. At least from my perspective, those are the most challenging. The balance is setting up and maintaining the main pages for keeping track of the builds.

Solicitation of prizes and judges is simply not something I am comfortable with. If anyone wants to take on those tasks I would be happy to look after the task of keeping track of the list of entries, etc. in a similar fashion to how ‘everydaysurvivalgear’ and I shared managing the 9th Challenge in 2021. That is if nobody minds me being involved in managing and probably entering the challenge as well. As in 2021, I would have absolutely nothing to do with the selection of judges or the judging process.

Opinions on that should be posted here. Another volunteer would be most welcome.

3 Thanks

I don’t plan to organize the contest this year.

In regards to sponsors, maybe some BLF members would wish to offer lights they do not use or need as prizes, in order to increase the prize pool. A few people offered last time.

Last year I solicited 44 companies. Seven offered to sponsor the contest. Some of those are repeat sponsors. Some of those would sponsor again.

Maybe there could be no judges. Just a community poll.

Maybe there could be no prizes.

Or less prizes, or less soliciting for prizes anyway. Maybe only prizes offered in response to a thread asking for donations, in lieu of direct solicitation, although direct solicitation yields better results. But that’ll all be up to the next organizer.