BLF Special Edition Lights - Master List

Yes, it is hard to manage, which flashlight is made by BLF. There are many new flashlights.

Many Flashlights were made by one or some BLF-lers in cooperation with the manufacturers. The new Haikelite Flashlights have TA-Drivers which were build in cooperation with Texas_Ace. The Emisar Flashlights has Ramping iOS from Toykeeper. The Fireflies Flashlighs has drivers and Aux-LED-Boards designed by *Lexel *and partly based on TA-Driver-designs.
And what is with the Noctigon Meteor M43? The driver-firmware was build by drJones.
But all these Flashlighs was not build inside the community in this forum.
Who is involved in the Lumintop GT Mini or GT Micro? At least they use the open source firmware Narsil from Toykeeper.
What is with pre-production flashlights which were reviewed in the BLF and the reviewer gives some suggestions based of his/her thoughts and community thoughts to the manufacturer. For example the Astrolux MF02 with its bigger usable reflector-diameter. Or the Sofirn SP36 in cooperation with djozz.
Or the Sofirn Q8 which is only a little update to great Thorfire BLF Q8 from the same factory.
Or the new designed battery carryers for the BLF Q8 and Sofirn Q8.
What is with wishes to the manufacturers by the community for sofirn flashlights: Andúril 2 coming to Sofirn - The general Sofirn development thread

The early BLF special edition flashlights had only little updates wished by the community, e.g. an updated/modyfied driver or a copper mcpcb or only with BLF serial number. The latest BLF SE flashlights were complete new flashlights designed by BLF members, such as the BLF Q8, the Lumintop BLF GT or the FW3A, including the host-design, the driver-design and -firmware, the choosen LED and so on.

I think the main list schould list all flashlights which were diskussed and designed in the community.
And another list schould contain flashlights with BLF-Firmware or/and other parts designed by BLF members. But this could be a long, fast growing list. Or perhaps this could be long lists, if they are splittet into more lits by different criteria.

First of all, we have to define some criteria.

But the best of all is, that we get better and better flashlights for better prices. Overall its a good trend to nicer flashlights.