Up for sale is my best effort to build my idea of the perfect maglite. I have shamelessly borrowed ideas from several forum members but as you might expect this build was heavily influenced by the work of Old Lumens. This light is a 2D blue maglite cut down to 1D via the human lathe method.
Additional mods include a stippled aluminum reflector, quad boring for four eneloops, copper braid in the shortened tail spring, and a glass lens. The light engine consists of an XM-L2 T6 1C emitter on an aluminum heatsink driven to 3.15 amps by a nanjg 105c driver with one extra 7135 chip. The driver is set to three mode (low-med-high). Stripping was done with drain cleaner and polishing with a dremel and Scratch X polishing compound. The light comes with a 4AA battery carrier modded with copper to lower resistance. Eneloops are not included! Questions are welcome.
Price is $65.00 Shipping within CONUS is included in the price. International buyers will pay actual shipping minus the cost of CONUS shipping. First thread response of “I’ll take it” followed by an IM gets the light. Payment will be via Paypal.