Boeing's Starliner POS

Neither have I. It seems that much of this kind of thought is fostered because a segment of the population simply does not like Musk personally, his politics, or the reforms he brought to “X”. The performance of his companies is nothing short of impressive, regardless of what one thinks of the man.

SpaceX is most certainly outperforming Boeing when it comes to everything space related.

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Don’t check the price performance of Tesla stock.

I was talking about product quality… Not stock prices.

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I don’t think Tesla is famous for product quality - the innovation and technology is really impressive but would I want to buy a car from a company that leaves their customers hanging like this:

(and that’s not a singular story unfortunately)

Want to hear my horror story about an F150 Ford pickup truck?

In any case one off anecdotal stories that don’t document what the conclusion really was don’t say much about overall quality. I am certain that no companies offer warranty coverage for flood damage.

But this is pretty off topic when we started talking about the Boeing POS Starliner.

The SpaceX vehicle has been up and down lots of times now. Beat Boeing by a over a year and at half the cost. Draw your own conclusions.

But I do find it a bit amusing when many folks run the companies down because they hate Elon… Sign of the times I suppose.

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he wasn’t born hated

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I’m not a fan of Elon overall, but I do admit that some of his companies are pretty good.
From what I hear, he’s run Twitter into the ground, though. :+1:

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“Want to hear my horror story about an F150 Ford pickup truck?”

Lol, yes, I have my own. The most popular vehical in the world. They had been making them for years and years. Bought a brand new XLT 4x4 in 2016. Want to hear my horror story about an F150 Ford pickup truck? Wouldn’t run at odd times. Factory couldn’t figure it out. Fxxx Ford.

Never again. Current Tacoma owner, reliability is THE most important component of a vehicle for us. Fool me once…Wife and brother both have Teslas. They are running 100% perfect…well, until my brother drove his into a curb. 30,000 miles on the Factory tires, 2 needed repacement so he did all 4. Only issue either has had. When I see the words “recall” as it relates to Ford, it means “get yer butt in here with the car stat”.

When I see the words “recall” as it relates Tesla, it means, “we sent a software update to your phone overnight as you were sleeping, this is the result”. You read it and go on with your life.

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Yep, that describes our family, too.
We’ve had Toyotas for decades, though Hondas are pretty reliable as well (depending on the specific model.) :+1:

Just ramping up on the up-take curve, the jacking up of prices will come. Maybe starlink first?

I’m not saying it’s happened already, I’m saying I’m predicting it. Tesla might have been screwed at its own game though, with real competition coming from inexpensive Chinese EVs.

If you think Musk has your best interests at heart, you’re naive, he wants to do BUSINESS.

Elon Musk wants to put a man on Mars. That’s his thing. Every business decision he makes, in often convoluted ways, in somehow involved in putting a man on Mars. And having sex with beautiful women, that’s pretty important to him too.

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Boeing got hit hard with that degree-based nepotism that is en vogue at the moment.
People with non-technical backgrounds who don’t provide value got a foothold. They know – subconsciously or consciously – that the only way to sustain the ecosystem of grift is to continue the hiring cycle until the doers notice workload or the customers notice they are mostly feeding a tapeworm.

Government contract corruption can offset this somewhat, because the parasites can be fed without starving the rest of the company. To a point.
This mechanism is ravaging a lot of software companies, too. I don’t trust Mozilla or IBM at all at this point.

The BDFL model seems to resist this better for some reason.

It always surprises me when otherwise intelligent people think that other planets in our solar system (like Mars) can sustain human life.
Yes, I think Elon is smart in many ways, but as far as I can tell, humans cannot live on Mars because Mars is extremely different than Earth.
There are drastic temperature differences, the gravity is way different, and there are no plants or animals (that I know of) to eat on Mars.
It makes a lot more sense to try to save Earth than to search for another planet to live on because there are no similar planets (to Earth) in our solar system.
Trying to save Earth will be very difficult, but finding another planet to live on is pure fantasy (or should I say science fiction.) :+1:

That was kind of my doing. I kept on goading him, “Get yaw ass to Mahz. Get yaw ass to Mahz. Get yaw ass to Mahz.” and wouldn’t let up on him.

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