Hi everyone
I’m from France and I have A small collection of flashlights
(fenix,lumapower,jetbeam,zebralight,solarforce,imalent,astrolux,MBI,lightflux,novatac,maglite,MTE UV,nitecore,4sevens,EagleTac,olight)
my EDC is still my old novatac 120P modded with an XML
I have been around this forum for a few months as a guest,
I registered my account not long ago, It’s my first post on BLF
I’ve been on CPF since 2007, don’t know why it took so long to come over BLF
I’m impressed so far, there seems to be tons of technical knowledge.
I am a newbie on electronics and I am interested in doing some projects, I already did a few simple mods
and with your help I would like to accomplish some new ones
adding some more lumens to my old novatac is a idea
some fellow members on BLF have really impress me with they’re talent and skills
I’m hoping to learn new things in this wonderful community.
Et préparer de plus en plus de dépenses :money_mouth_face:
Salut! Welcome to BLF!
Hi and welcome boznet.
Welcome to BLF boznet. Looks like you have some nice flashlights.
Thanks for stopping by, boznet!
Bon jour, meilleure nuit!
Welcome to BLF!
Salut et bienvenue cher compatriote
N’hésite pas à poser des questions, ici les gens partagent énormément leur savoir et les modders ont un talent fou !
Bonjour, soyez le bienvenu a BLF.
You will notice that this is a different place to be.
Nothing like: “what separates the men form the boys, is the price of their toys”.
But don’t under-estimate the B in BLF.
Even a dripping faucet is capable to fill up an entire bathtub
Welcome to BLF! Hope you enjoy your stay!
Bonjour !
Une place bien vivante et fort sympathique, moins snob que ‘’l’autre endroit’‘… Plus technique, scientifique et à la fine pointe du développement. Si tu recherches les dernières nouveautés des gros manufacturiers, ce n’est peut-être pas le bon forum. Par contre, si tu es intéressé au développement de lampes ultra performantes à une fraction du prix des ’‘majeures’’, tu es tombé dans le meilleur endroit possible ! Un exemple ? Va voir le développement de la Q8, un projet BLF de A à Z, Une méga-lampe pour 40$ !
Sans oublier la GT, la FW3A (30$ !) et toutes les BLF editions de fabricants chinois comme la 348 ou la D80 !
La bonne humeur, l’auto-modération, et même la générosité avec les GAW et le soutien a Mrs Old Lumens (RIP)…jamais vu un forum aussi agréable
Bien dit !
Bonsoir et merci a tous pour votre accueil
oui j’ai pu voir que l’ambiance est moins snob qu’ailleurs …
et que le forum est bien plus technique aussi
voir le développement de certaines lampes est génial
je me suis inscrit pour la FW3A
hello and thank you all for your nice welcoming words
so many threads to read not enough time in one day
already have opened 30 different tabs
and unfortunately for my credit card already bought some new stuffs
can someone can recommend me a talented modder who can do some work for me ? not too expensive is a plus
i don’t have enough time and mostly not enought skills
I have some dead novatac’s and I would love to make them relive, if possible with their simple IU,
i saw that there are a lot of drivers, i’m not looking for thousands of lumens more looking for a real EDC light a compromise between lumens and running times
i actually EDC a 120P with an cree XML who give me approximatly 400 lumens and almost preserving the original running time
i saw a bunch of 17mm drivers at mtnelectronics among others shops but it’s hard to choose
i’d like to step up from my XML with an XPL or XHP
in advance thanks for your help, your time and ideas
Changing the driver of a Novatac would be hard since the switch is not a standard on/off. It is used to send a signal to the cpu. The only driver that I am aware that can work would be an Lflex from taskled.
The xm-l is a great led with the novatac reflector.
For versatility and ability to stave off boredom guppydrv is a great firmware option. Paired with an (n) x 7135 driver you get that plus dialed in run times. At some point you should give one of the FET +1 drivers a go just for kicks but you can get that now with a few of the of-the-shelf models thanks to some BLF group buys. Also, you should check out the Q8 to see if your interested in joining that gb for an SRK cloned BLF style.
Changing the driver of a Novatac would be hard since the switch is not a standard on/off. It is used to send a signal to the cpu. The only driver that I am aware that can work would be an Lflex from taskled.
The xm-l is a great led with the novatac reflector.
thanks for the advice, i have in my possession actually several Taskled drivers ;
d2 flex v2.0, maxflex v5.0 and Lflex v1.0
I tried years ago (2011) to mods my novatacs but i wasn’t able to correctly wired the light, after several try i had give up and just swapped the led on the flashlight
I don’t have the skill…
For versatility and ability to stave off boredom guppydrv is a great firmware option. Paired with an (n) x 7135 driver you get that plus dialed in run times. At some point you should give one of the FET +1 drivers a go just for kicks but you can get that now with a few of the of-the-shelf models thanks to some BLF group buys. Also, you should check out the Q8 to see if your interested in joining that gb for an SRK cloned BLF style.
thanks for the advice, i have looked at the Q8 GB and it’s not for me, it’s a nice big flashlight but i will never have the opportunity to use it
unfortunately i live in a bright city and i don’t have the chance to use that kind of flashlight, i’m more in for something more pocketable, i have joined the FW3A GB instead
about the driver, sorry for my ignorance but is this one ok ?
“FET + 7135 Driver - 17mm - MTN-17DDm
they are a lot of options, which one is good for my project ?
“derfyled” pointed me that only a taskled’s Lflex driver should work with a novatac’s switch, so what about the driver in the link?
can this “FET + 7135 Driver - 17mm - MTN-17DDm” can work with the novatac’s switch because on the pics it look like more easy to wire than the Lflex ?
sorry for all these noob question