Boruit Headlamp Review D10 (aka. EHL0628) - King of the Budget Headlamps?

And guess how the manufacctuer figures out that an improvement might be a popular sales item. It’s not like they have their own QA/QC/design staff hard at work.

Say what? How do you get that indicator lamp, I don’t see it documented as built into the headlamp.

I don’t know what a “Quadrupel driver” is and Google isn’t helping.

  • high CRI LED
  • TIR optics
    Additional manufacturing cost maybe $1? And increase the price from $10 to $12?
  • USB-C instead of micro-USB (add $1 ?)

But it is true that an amazing product at $13 could sell less than a way-less-perfect-but-usable product at $10. We live in a world where most people buy $1000+ phone every year or two. But would nick-pick for a few dollars on a flashlight.

Thanks for taking care of that alpg88!
The indicator has 4 possible states for both OFF and STANDBY: Off, Low, High, and Blinking.
Battery check on the Darkhorse is similar to ZL, 4 clicks.

Despite the rough emitter board shelf; the copper board and an even covering of thermal paste transfer the heat good enough. Body warms up on full output.

Oh, OK. So someone made a tailcap with a LED in it for this headlamp? I like the effect.

It is a completely new custom FET+1 driver with indicator led support made specially for D10-D20-D25 and compatible with ToyKeeper’s “Spagetti Monster” :smiley:

I baked clone of this and it turned into a nice Green color :heart_eyes:

Also covered yellow pattern on headband with acrylic paint and sanded down to fit this optic

Do you have to take the internal out to bake it? Is there a step by step guide! This is awesome ty!

Wow, that looks very nice!
My D10’s arrived yesterday and was looking for a TIR that can fit.Size of your TIR from fasttech is very close to the size of the original reflector, gonna buy a couple of them for sure :smiley:
Thanx for the link!

Only difficult thing when modding this light is getting the wires between the fins within the batterie tube.It’s almost impossible, I had to grind them away a little bit…
How do you guys doing that?Also, what kind of wires fits best?AWG28?

Silicon 24awg fits perfectly.

BTW still have some drivers for sale. Anduril or improved Zebralight like UI. 11$ shipped

When I get into driver swaps I may hit you up for an Andril!

is there a link to more info?

this Anduril driver, does it work with AA?
does it have a sublumen level?
does it fit an AA Tool?

No, it doesn’t work with AA. It’s just a regular FET+1.

“50000LM XM-L L2 LED ”

Wow! That’s wild. A fake LED, too?

Should blind a geezer in nyc. :+1: :beer:

What are you referring to?

Thank you very much for the helpful info.

stay safe and enjoy!

OP posted page as site he got his lite from

Looks like different light

Oh. You can’t really post ebay links. They seem to last a couple months at most. I’m surprised it didnt go to a error page. It was accurate when posted, though.