…still fantastic! Seriously, I have used this light for a month now and I really like it. The massive floody output of the main LEDs, the excellent dual switch design, the side LEDs: It never annoyed me despite the seemingly awkward design and it came in handy quite a few times. For the right price up to 30 USD it is a no-brainer. Based on a 18350 cell it will last longer than Li-Po-based lights which are commonplace in the world of keychain lights and plastic bodies. I think Boruit has a winner with the U6!
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Seems like a really nice light for $ 30.00. AMZ-NL wants me to pay € 49.99 however. That’s a bit steep for a (eh, my) stocking -filler.
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I’ve seen this on vipon for…uh, I can’t remember exactly but probably 50% off so… $15ish. It looks large to me so I never bought one. Maybe next time… Thanks for the review.
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Built-in battery.
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it is ok, it is a round cell. They should last a very long time!
yes, I got it for like 22 USD. If you push 40-50 you are really in the ballpark for awesome budget lights and the U6 won’t compete well there. Like a Sofirn IF24 etc
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