Box design/graphics (Opinions Needed)

HI all, I am trying to make a retail box for my maglite dropins, and I could really use some input. I want the unboxing experience to be next level. So this box is going to be stiff cardboard like you get from Acebeam or what the Lumintop LM10 anniversary light came in. Its a two part box that is cube shaped. The logo is on the top center. There will be die cut foam in the shape of the product inside.

Please let me know what you think about the graphics. If there is anything you think could be improved please let me know. The look I am going for is a little bit sophisticated, and simple. I am debating between going with a full color box like shown here or possibly removing some of the graphics and having Silver Foil Stamping done instead.

I’m not really sure I like the picture of the dropin there. The top of the box says Lumencraft, but then Right below it says the same thing on the dropin.

I found a box that looks a little bit like what I had in mind in the first picture of this wine glass.

Any help is appreciated.

Are these boxes for retail display of the item or just to protect the item during shipping?

If for shipping protection I like the Sofirn approach.

If for retail display, I cannot get a good enough view on my phone display to pass judgement. But then I don’t buy things because of the packaging. I buy the item for the item. Many times the box goes straight to recycle.

Here is an alternative that the artist did (ignore the wrong email etc on the box it was just a mock up) in silver and black only.

Its for both. I want packaging ridged enough that regardless of how the package is treated in transit both the product and the box look good when the they arrive. I don’t always have control over the outer mail packaging (like when my product ship from amazon warehouse). But also I want the box to be as good of a representation of the quality put forth by the company as it can be. Much of the cost of the box is the sturdy cardboard and the foam inside. For just a bit more I can have pretty much whatever I want printed on it.

For retail (like in a walk in environment), I like the picture of the product on the box. That will, hopefully, keep some potential buyers from ripping open the box to see what the heck is in there.

Not sure the Lumencraft is needed on the picture. But perhaps some place there should be a one line description. Drop in replacement.
Perhaps below the picture?
Putting “for maglite” on there might run into their lawyers.
Glad to see you and the brand moving ahead.
All the Best,

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