what do you think about the 53000 Lumens flashlight?
Utilized 12 pieces Cree XHP70.2 LED
what do you think about the 53000 Lumens flashlight?
Utilized 12 pieces Cree XHP70.2 LED
70.2? Are you sure? In the other thread it says only 70.
Well, he is a seller, so he is supposed to post that in another thread/category? No?
The pictures and the description both show xhp70.
Utilized 12 pieces Cree XHP70.2 LED
70.2? Are you sure? In the other thread it says only 70.
The pictures and the description both show xhp70.
I think it’s written in Chinese after XHP70 that it’s second generation. This is also how they’ve described the XHP70.2 led in the DX80.
Utilized 12 pieces Cree XHP70.2 LED
70.2? Are you sure? In the other thread it says only 70.
The pictures and the description both show xhp70.
I think it’s written in Chinese after XHP70 that it’s second generation. This is also how they’ve described the XHP70.2 led in the DX80.
We may need clarification as someone has said that Imalent is purposefully using the xhp70 due to reliability reasons. They are using the 70.2 in the R70C as there are no issues there. I’m sure we will find out later.
Wow! Pretty crazy.
So with a fan doubt it be water resistant?
So with a fan doubt it be water resistant?
No, it can be water tight, no problem.
I can only dream this light.
I can rarely can afford imalent lights.
Well, he is a seller, so he is supposed to post that in another thread/category? No?
Correct. I just banned the “tandylu” account and remove all of its posts except for this thread.