Brightest light for 100$?

As the title says, I’d like to know what the brightest flashlight is for 100$
If there’s another you consider to be better (quality, output sustain, etc.) please feel free to comment it :slight_smile:

EDIT: I dont really care about size of the light or its batteries. Just looking for the brightest flashlight for 100$ or less. Thanks!

What flashlight size or battery format? A 1x21700 cell light will be less bright than a 4x21700 light, but you can’t fit the latter in your pocket, so you’re unlikely to EDC it.

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Probably the Sofirn Q8 Plus if all you’re looking for is raw output, specifically the 6500K.

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You will not be able to make any decision asking a question like that. You are gonna have to spend more than five minutes thinking about what you want and need.

@gravelmonkey dont care bout the size really, no need to EDC. Will an edit to the post to mention it

@CookieDave this one sounds good, could buy it rn for 76$ . Will keep it in mind, thanks!

@zoulas why not? Im literally just looking for the brightest 100$ flashlight, no extras needed for me. Just want a cool bright flashlight to add to my collection.

According to Parametrek, the Wurkkos TS32 beats it (14000 vs 11000 lumens): Parametrek Flashlights

EDIT: the Q8 in the above Parametrek page is the Pro, not the Plus, which indeed beats them both at 16000 lumens: Sofirn Q8Plus 16000lm Powerful Flashlight, Rechargeable Anduril 2.0 6* XHP50B LED Torch

@dmenezes I also checked Parametrek and saw that same TS32, but it seems like Q8 Plus is the way to go. Now the thing is there’s 2 versions of the Q8 Plus (6500K vs 5000K) and aparently there slightly different depending on which one you choose. Will try to figure the difference out.

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The 5000K is probably a nicer color for night outdoors usage (maybe even has better CRI) but the 6500K almost certainly is brighter.

OFC these are just the general ‘rules’, if you find the specific differences in this case, I’d love to hear about it.

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@dmenezes This very nice YTber Smothered Chrome compared both of them and it seems like the main difference as you mentioned is the “better tint” and CRI. He personally recommends the 5000K (aka Sofirn EC06 now known also as Q8 Plus 5000K) over the 6500K version because 1. you will very likely not notice the difference lumens between one and the other (unless you measure it) and 2. it’s a “more pleasant” tint (subjective ofc).

Right now I’m thinking if I should buy it… I mean, I have a Sofirn IF22A, a Convoy L21B, and have already on the way a Convoy Z1, and a Convoy 3x21D SBT90.2; so IDK if I need but I defenitely want it haha. The only justification I can find for it is that I don’t have any real flooder…

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Jkk76, 33,000 lumens. On sale for under $100.

Thanks for letting us know!

Yep, I’m on the same boat, been wanting a soda-can
light since forever (and a SBT90.2 thrower, and a triple-channel D4K, and…) but I’ve been putting them all off as I already have more lights than I really need… :-/

@Camaro bruh… I just bought the Q8 Plus for 76$ lol

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@Camaro just found this other YTber Marc Gossling who made a JKK76 review and by chance compared it to the Q8 Plus haha

Basically, the JKK76 is brighter and more of a thrower (which I’m not looking for) and on the other hand, the Q8 Plus is more a flooder (just what I’m looking for), so it seems I didn’t make that bad of a choise :slight_smile:

Once I get all those lights together I’ll be doing some “noob-like” reviews with some beamshots from my drone!

Thanks to everyone!

Good price! Thanks Dog for them discount codes :smiley:

I think you’re going to be very happy with your Q8 Plus. Besides the flood thing, it also comes with Anduril and easily accessible flashing pads (albeit they seem to be in the wrong order for GCHart/TheFreeman flashing kits), and the JKK doesn’t seem to come with either. Also, its LED color choices are only 6500K (too cold) or 3000K (too warm), the 5000K on your Q8 Plus is going to work much better, I think.

Yay! if you can, please tag me when you post that, wouldn’t want to miss it!

claimed 17K lumens. Measured around here at 13K plus at turn on…with the right cells.

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@dmenezes Yup them discount codes saved me lol! and yeah you’re right, the Q8 Plus seems to be more “customizable” but Im not a modder at all, so kinda useless for me, but nice to have nevertheless.

and ofc if someday I get to review/compare some lights I’ll let you know!

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This light is truly off the chart bright.

I also like that it can use 26800 cells for some real decent run time on lower levels. Or with the excellent included adapter, use the “mystery” Lishen high current 21700 cells for dazzling your buddies when on turbo.