I know, the title…. its horrible. I feel horrible for asking this to anyone reading this but… I need a 18650 charger. I have about 11 laptop pulls that are obvisouly unprotected. Now my current charger ( a soshine H2 knockoff from JayCar ) is kinda stuffed. It has shorted twice now and only 1 slot works. I am constantly using these batterys and I not only collect but I do use and sometimes abuse… Anyways if theres anyone within Australia thats willing to help me out thated be great!
EDIT: Many years later now that I am an adult I was going to pull this down out if embarrassment. However, I want to give a massive shoutout to those who did help. If I remember correctly someone sent me a Nitecore 4 bay that served me till I was about 19. So I do appreciate you all
no reverse protection so must be careful.
but otherwise a great setup and you get to build it!
i just ca the board under the cheap blm holders that are all over ebay.
i also run a bead of ca across the back of the usb and zip kicker it.reinforces it a bit as they break easily.
Nice riddle there for us, non-native speakers snakebite :+1: Took me a minute to figure out that ca means cyanoacrylate glue, not calcium , had to use google to check what zip kicker is. Never heard of it before and at first I thought it might be some local alternative name for a zip tie
(edit: seems to be a legit charger… Review of Charger LiitoKala Lii-100 )
Oh my, thats a bargain I should have in stock - just in case (running now on only ONE charger…)
yeahthat little Liitokala is nice, charging a 16340 with one now (its big brother is doing a test of a 26650 so I do not want to disturb that. For that price, I bought a few, good for gifting too, so simple interface
I like the Xtar MC1 for a cheap charger, Known quality, compact, and reliable, I keep one around just in case my main charger goes kaput.
I use lots of power tools in my business and they never seem to break as long as you have another one with you, but when you’re counting on the only one you have that is the day it will die without warning. So I’ve got 2 of everything in my work van, and I’m taking the same approach with cells and chargers hoping the trick works here too!
Seems like OP is set on charging his cells. Love the hospitality of people here :nerd_face:
To note, that Liitokala looks awesome, and it charges NiMH too! If it’s legit like lygte.info says, it’s even better than the Xtar MC1 Plus I was going to recommend.
I have 4 of the Liitokala Lii-100”s, bought for under $4 each.
All 4 charge fine.
Can”t beat them for a single cell charger at the price & doubles up as a power bank :+1:
Li-ion charger… AKA, the device that babysits your explosive cylinders of lithium. Is it a good idea, really, to buy the cheapest one possible?
On a side note, I know a camper that uses the little battery tubes to carry his matches and striker, gotta keep em dry right? His spare cells float in his back pack, they’re water proof aren’t they? :person_facepalming:
Seems we tend to drift away from safety as we get compliant.
None of what I’ve said here is directly helpful to the OP, I know, but I guess what I’m trying to say is that if you buy a good name brand charger it will last a long time, won’t be “shorting out” and putting you in danger. Being on a budget doesn’t necessarily mean buying the cheapest crap out there, it means spending your available monies wisely. Throwing away cheap chargers that no longer work is not efficient use of available funds.
Buy good stuff once. (FWIW, not many people have less money than I do, all available funds are invested in the inevitable day the Zombies attack and flashlights become high demand life-saving equipment. )