Saw one at a gunshot for $40. They actually had two versions. One was called the Alpha Max 100 lumen that seemed to be 3 modes and the other was called the Tactical which was only 80 lumens and had an asperic lens and I assume one mode but the package didn’t say.
What got me interested was how small it was for a AA light. I assumed it was a AAA but it’s not. Very compact and has a clicky and a clip, two things that are mandatory in an EDC light for me. Also it stated 100 ANSI lumens and 3.5 hours of runtime on high.
I’m very tempted to buy this, I saw them for $30 ish online.
I haven’t ever seen that Browning but I have a pair of these shown here. I use these almost daily, have had them for several years and they are superb. Single mode, nice weight. So if this one you are lookiing at compares I’d say do it. Not sure what mine cost, they were both gifts. Dan.
What is a better light for less? From what I could tell, there isn’t much to compare this to. The very small size is paramount to what makes it unique. I know Browning just puts their name on products that are made for them by another company but the light looks good to me.
I am not aware of a similar light in this size with a clicky and clip that puts out 100 lumens for 3.5 hours for $30.
How about Jetbeam BA10, Romisen RC-G2III, ShiningBeam I-mini. Only the Jetbeam comes with a clip. But all rival the Browning for total lumens.
In the end, it comes down to what you really want. You seem to really want the Browning so go for it…I would too.
How about Jetbeam BA10, Romisen RC-G2III, ShiningBeam I-mini. Only the Jetbeam comes with a clip. But all rival the Browning for total lumens.
In the end, it comes down to what you really want. You seem to really want the Browning so go for it…I would too.
I have the Jetbeam BA10 and Romisen RC-G2, they are HUGE compared to the Browning. The Jetbeam is about twice the size. I love the BA10 but it is too large for pocket carry. This Browning looks like it should be a AAA it is so small. It really is very small for a AA light. The Romisen is a good light but lacks a clip and is much larger than the Browning light.
Looks like nobody has one yet. Strange how certain lights are very popular here but others are basically unknown.
I think it really depends if you believe their claims of 100 lumens for 3.5 hours or not on a AA.
I just don't ..
.and the fact it's a rebadged light means to me they know less about lights than you or I.
Buy it ...because I know you ..and you'll let us know if you're unhappy ...silent bob :P
I would buy the L3 in an xpg2 in a color you like for 20$ or even just the xpg version for $15..or maybe a T-10.
Clips are a non issue for me .. but there are the fenix clips available for most lights out there
i personally dislike tiny AA lights .I make the leap between AAA and AA pretty successfully ..and I share with you a lust for a sleek AAAx2 light .. to cheap to just buy a preon & dabble with the thought of a mini 2AA quark or eagletac
Every review I have seen was very favorable. I wish I could try them out before I bought one. There are different versions with different mode, lumens, lenses etc.
I don’t like the bezel up config but man is this light small and seems to be just what I’m looking for.
The eastward YJ j09 4 mode has been one of my top ten favorite lights since day one of joining BLF two years ago .. Size wise , overall feel , clip .color .clicky's a tiny little sweet sexy light the feel of the knurling on it ....It reminds me of a Martac with a clicky ... If it wasn't already pretty nice like it is ... I'd be thinking xpe2 ?? or nichia
..twice as good as a bA-10 jetbeam << slippery,boring, pos
“Every review I have seen was very favorable. I wish I could try them out before I bought one. There are different versions with different mode, lumens, lenses etc.
I don’t like the bezel up config but man is this light small and seems to be just what I’m looking for. ”
Cool…when you get it post a little review…
I couldn’t find any dimensions for it at all. So it got my interest. Do you know its dimensions?
I did see that the MAX has an xre led…
The lesser model (without the MAX) has a Luxeon Rebel led.
Been using my Alpha for a couple of days at work. I am impressed with the runtime. I only now decided to put in a new cell after three days. It didn’t show any signs of needing it but I keep some Eneloops charged for just this purpose.
I do think it reaches the 90 lumens it claims and has a nice artifact free beam. Throws good for such a small light. I had to check under a stage lift today and shine the light all the way across the stage area (100’ or more) and it worked well.
This is a good light and I’m happy with it with one exception. The clip design and placement is not good. A bezel down head with a deeper carry clip that is easier to insert into thicker pockets would be a big improvement. My work pants are too thick for this to slide in easy. Part of the problem is there is a ridge on the clip that catches the pants and forces you to wiggle it to get in.