I’ve been eying a new “flood king” for my collection. I realize there are many options available….
Let me start off by introducing my “”current flood king”:Trustfire TR-J12 KD driver swap | Candle Power Flashlight Forum in my collection. This modded tr-j12 cranks out about 4000 lumen OTF on high… it drops considerably after about 5 minute though… probably due to the heat caused by 80-100 watts lol.
I’ve been thinking about selling the TR-J12 and replacing it with something a little newer and better regulated.
So far the lights that have really caught my eye are:
BS terminator U3 ($135 from gg.com) 3000 otf lumen
TN30 XML2 (179.99 on ebay.com) ? otf lumen? adverts say 3600 lumen (assuming they mean emitter)… spec sheet says 3338??…. also the ansi spec sheet says 45 lumen for 75 hours… and the spec says 140 hours? ANYWAY….
right now im leaning towards the tn30 xml2, simply because its the newest tech… and has a nice driver and ability to select brightness before turning the light on…. AND i already have a tn31mb, so im assuming i can just switch battery carriers from one light to the next?
so what do you fellow blf-ers think? I won’t have funds until I complete my sales of other p60s/modded lights… so theres plenty of time to decide…
i suppose a third option is to wait for something better to come along … nitecore tm26 with 4xml2? or who knows? but that could be a while… lots of companies like mouser are months out of stocking the xml2 u2