I’ve been thinking about trying to build a buck-boost driver and was wondering if anyone had any input on why it hasn’t been done yet. The main reasons I can see now are cost and the complexity doesn’t lend itself well to the small sizes we need for lights. However the convenience might make up for the cost for some if it can be made small enough.
Want more battery capacity? No problem, stack another cell in!
Want to run CR123 instead of Li-Ion? Go for it!
Want to swap in an emitter with a different VF? No big deal!
I figure there are 2 ways to go about this, either use an existing buck/boost controller and try to manage it with an MCU, or, control the switches and do current monitoring on the MCU itself.
Using a dedicated IC will probably be more flexible to component values changing, and will give higher efficiency. Also likely easier to implement. However it may take up a larger PCB area, and will likely be higher cost.
Using the MCU to build a scratch Buck/Boost has its challenges in the control loops and the programming, and will likely be lower efficiency. However it has the benefit of being able to directly control the output current, so the UI could just command actual Amps.
I am going to begin listing potential component choices below. While I could do all of the design myself, I would like to open this up to anyone who wants to help me out. I will begin making a few schematics in the coming days/weeks. I am fully open to component choice changes and even design modifications if others have suggestions. I also wouldnt mind help on the UI programming from some of the veterans we have around here. I know how to code, but I wouldn’t call myself great at it.
Right now I am leaning towards the MSP430 MCU as the controller. Why? Main reason is that it is a good low cost, easy to program MCU, the second is that the ADC has a built in PGA (programmable gain amplifier), which is extremely useful for measuring the low level signals from a current sense resistor. It should also be capable of much higher PWM frequency if we go with the MCU controlled route, and should have plenty of room for UI code.
IC Possibilities:
MCU Possibilities: