Budget(30ish) aluminum light that has a proper moonlight mode and turbo around 500. One way screwed pocket clip is appreciated. Recommendations?
Much cheaper to slap on a generic clip vs machining the Al body to take a dedicated clip, so that and “budget” kinda cancel each other out.
You need some meat where you’ll be drilling for screws, else the holes will punch right through into the battery compartment, switch, wherever. Or you’ll just have 1-2 turns to hold in the clip, and easily strip/rip the screws right out of the body.
Otherwise I’d say the old old old SP10A or -B. Think it was the 'B that had firefly/low/medium and 2click high, vs the low/medium/high and 2click strobe.
Duuuh, got it right in front of me. It’s the 'B. Gf has the 'A because she doesn’t use/need firefly mode.
Problem is finding one, vs any of the newer incarnations.
Maybe you can find an eagtac d25a.
Finding a light in that price range with screwed in clip is not easy, but if you are ok with losing that then a Sofirn SP10 would be a good side switch option. Around $20.
Another option ($17 with 14500 battery) if you prefer a clicky tail switch (but no captive clip still) could be Convoy T3 with 12 group UI set to the mode group of (1%, 10%, 30%, 100%) but moonlight will not be as low as the SP10.
I recommend the 519a 5000k option, using a 14500 it is around 500lm in high, and with an AA around 200lm. Moonlight probably is around 2-3 lumens.
Little dated, but L3 Illumination L10C or L11C both have moonlight (with the 4 mode option) and a screw-in clip. You could try emailing sbflashlights and ask if they have any. IIRC they have had going out of business sales but their website is still up.
If you’re into modding it’s easy enough to swap the emitter to a 519a, for example.
It’s okay to not have a screwed in pocket clip. It’s appreciated I said.
It has some problems. I was intending to post about the d25a and alternatives but i didn’t and posted this one
Have you looked at the SP10 Pro? It runs Anduril 2, but you can leave it in the basic mode (if it gets too confusing.) Click on and hold goes straight to moonlight, double click straight to turbo.
It can be changed between ramping or stepped output.
FYI many 14500 lights take the same clips, so you can usually swap them, for example an olight clip on a Wurkkos TS10 or Sofirn SP10.
My vote also for sofirn sp10pro - brilliant AA/14500 flashlight and with anduril 2 you may tune and set it as you like. Also very convenient beam shape for edc without blinding hotspot in short distances.
I would also vote SP10 Pro. AA/14500 battery, optional magnetic tail, beam profile is nice, LH351D LEd with nice tint, Anduril 2 with advance/simple mode. Bright enough to short burst turbo, 4 color selection. For the price, nothing can beat that yet.