Budget Light Forum Harvey Relief Sales Thread

Budget Light Forum Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief

Neal and our own Admin have contacted me about us having a Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief to aid those displaced by the horrific events of this past weekend. Lumintop has very graciously donated a very nice assortment of lights that you can buy at a very reduced price which will then be sent to aid the victims of Hurricane Harvey. This will also be expanded, as we will be accepting donations of lights for sale for the donation from members and from other manufacturer’s/stores as well.

Lumintop is offering these lights +EDIT: 9:40PMPM CST 9.8.17… please check availability before sending a PayPal. Sorry to be out so long, pushed too hard after surgery and had to go back on the meds. Will chillax more and try to stay with y’all now.

TD15S 25pcs $26ea. 21 pcs available, 3:56PM CST 9.18.17

Tool AAA 25pc $11ea. 21 pcs available, 10:12PM CST 9.3.17

Worm Stainless 15pcs $15ea. 14 pcs available, 5:18PM CST 9.3.17

Prince SS 5pcs $42ea.

Copper Tool AAA 7pcs $22ea.

New HLAAA 10Pcs $14ea. 0 pcs left 10:30PM CST 9.11.17

New Tool AA 15Pcs $14ea. 0 left 4:21PM CST 10.1.17

and Neal is adding these lights personally,

BLF X6/X5 SS/copper Set ,SOLD price $80 for the set

Acebeam Ec35 1pcs price $38 Sold, no more available

Keeppower 18350 1200mah 4pcs $17ea. ship to worldwide SOLD 4:22PM CST 10.1.17

Convoy S2+ Gray NW 1pcs price $12 SOLD

Sinner Customs is also donating a light, he will be sending it to me and I’ll list it when it arrives.

EDIT: AS OF 5:49PM CST 10.1.17…Google spreadsheet of lights paid and corresponding members. If I didn’t have a BLF name in your notes, I abbreviated. :wink:

Chinooker is graciously donating an Astrolux S42 219c to the cause.
“I would include 2@ AWT 18350 batteries and a Manker holster which holds both light and extra battery quite well. Free shipping to the ConUS, will help on Intl Shipping”

We encourage anyone wishing to participate to contact me with the light of their choice for donation in this sales thread and I will list it here. We are all covering shipping to the buyer. An individual that wishes to donate a custom or modified light may ask that International Shipping be a split cost thing, that will be up to the individual.

And at these low prices you may wish to add a $5 or $10 topping to this, or whatever you wish. I am also working to get a link to this PayPal account for those that simply wish to donate without a light purchase. To simply donate for this worthy cause, click this BLFHarveyReliefFund link and donate.

I will be adding pics of these lights as I can, will be looking them up individually and showing them as I find them. How this will work is you post in this thread which light you wish to purchase and then you can pay with PayPal to blfharveyrelief@gmail.com. This has been set up specifically for this purpose, all funds in this PayPal account will be donated to disaster relief in the Houston/Galveston/Rockport area. Be sure to include a shipping address, your choice of light from the lists above, and a telephone number for shipping. I will then get your information to Neal for him or Lumintop to ship your light.

I will be sending funds as donations to one or several of the main Organizations that have been helping the thousands of victims, choosing from a list that has been supplied through the news networks and Weather Channel. Organizations such as Houston Food Bank, Galveston Food Bank, Texas Diaper Bank, Save the Children… as much as we can help and as many as we can help.

I have started a bank account in the name of our fund, opened the email to use with PayPal, and have opened a new Charitable Business account with PayPal purely for this purpose. Every donation gained in our forum will be put directly in the hands of those that are helping these people. The Houston Sheriff’s Dept and Houston Police Dept’s will most likely be the first places I contact as to where our help can best be deployed.

Before you ask, neither I nor our host will be taking a penny of these donations. Every effort will be made to ensure every cent goes to aid those displaced by the Hurricane and results floodwaters.

So please, now is your chance to grab a really nice light, have it help a community in need, and if you wish to do more, you may also donate lights for sale as donations or simply make donations directly into the BLFHarveyRelief account.

Thanks to you all, and especially Lumintop and Neal along with our Admin for getting this ball rolling…


(Never done anything like this before, so y’all help me out if you see anything I’ve messed up on! :slight_smile: )

1 Thank

I will take 1 New Tool AA

PP on the way :slight_smile:

I’m in for one HLAAA

PP when I get home ~ 2 hours or so.

This is a classy move (all involved) Kudos!


You can simply log in to PayPal and pay the price listed (or add if you so desire) and I will get your shipping information to Neal for Lumintop to ship direct to you. Shipping is free. In PayPal, pay to BLFHarveyRelief@gmail.com using goods and services.

Thank you!

When you pay, I will get notification with your notes attached… I will forward that to Neal and I will come back in here and mark off the appropriate list, so everyone will know how many are still available. Please ask me here before you pay, I may or may not be sitting here waiting to answer, please don’t just order without asking as we do have a limited number of each light.

In that case, I’ll go find a quiet spot to log into paypal if the HL is available.


EDIT: I just re-read your post, I’ll send a PM and order when it’s OK. I think that’s what you meant right?


Great action.
The brother of my wife’s late brother in law (hmm made him my brother in law too I guess) lost his rental home and was not properly insured for natural disaster. He is bound to a wheelchair so finding a new place and coping with all this is hard, thus I can’t support your super nice action here, but can applaud it, well done all!

Great initiative!

I just sent you money for TD15S. Thanks.

Sorry, I ordered w/o asking for 2 of the Tool AAs. PP sent

No one can have too many Copper Tool AAAs so one more please
I’ll wait this time for confirmation. :person_facepalming:

1 New Tool AA

Payment made + a little extra

Y’all need to be sure to include your name and address in the notes in PayPal, along with your BLF name, otherwise we don’t know where to send the light.

Maybe you should make list who purchased what so we know you really got payments.

Nice to see so many offering help.
I’d like:
1 new Tool AA
1 new HLAAA
1 Tool AAA
I’m throwing in a little extra. Thanks

God bless you, Dale.

Could you please clarify which Lumintop lights have Nichia LEDs in them?


Is the Acebeam EC35 the CW or NW version? If it’s the NW, I’ll take it.

AH now I get it…
I thought one pays for a light and it is send to somebody in need and donations are welcome on top of that.
But it is , one buys a flashlight, receives it oneself and the money foes to aid , wow even better for those helping out.

I’ll take a Lumintop HLAAA, PM sent.
(will pay within the hour)

edit: PAID :+1:

it is CW

Payment (+ an equal amount extra) sent for one Lumintop headlamp HLAAA.